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                       Friday 19 May 2017
                     Team Aruba Ready for The Legendary Darlington Dragway

            DARLINGTON,  S.C.  (May  wheeled         the   Mustang  provements  they’ve  done  can repeat on the number  at  1pm  before  elimina-
            18, 2017):  The Professional  down     the    Darlington  to the facility, it seems like it  one qualifier and take it all  tions kick off at 6pm. All the
            Drag  Racers  Association  eighth-mile, he’s only done  has become a great place  the way this weekend.”            action  is  streamed  live  at
            hosts  its  third  event  of  the  so  in  test  sessions  thus  far.  to race, as well.” The Miller  Eman currently sits seventh
            season  this  weekend  at  This weekend’s PDRA Spring  family,  who  also  run  with  in   championship     points  Follow  Team  Aruba  on
            The  Legendary  Darlington  Nationals  will  be  his  first  the  PDRA,  own  Darlington  standings,  and  is  looking  Facebook and Twitter. Find
            Dragway. Team Aruba and  event  at  the  historic  facil-  Dragway  and  have  put  for a solid performance to  race results, team updates,
            the  Pro  Stock  ity.  “It’s been awhile since  in  great  efforts  to  restore  build  upon  his  top  qualify-  videos  and  photos.  Also
            Mustang  are  already  on  we’ve been to Darlington,”  the track to its former glory  ing spot and semi-final fin-  leave  your  comments  to
            site  at  the  event,  utilizing  explained  Eman.  “We’ve  days.    “We’re  focusing  on  ish from the last event.   cheer on Team Aruba!
            the  Thursday  test  session  tested  here  a  couple  of  continuing our momentum  Two  rounds  of  pro  qualify-  For  more  on  your  Aruba
            and  gain  more  familiarity  times  back  in  2008.  It  was  from  the  GALOT  race  into  ing  begins  at  3pm  on  Fri-  vacation  visit  www.Aruba.
            with the track.              a great place to test back  this  weekend,”  continued  day  with  a  third  and  final  com  and  www.airportaru-
            While  Trevor  Eman  has  then, but now with the im-      Eman.  “So  hopefully  we  qualifying  session  Saturday q
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