Page 30 - MIN ECEM 2 MARCH, 2017
P. 30
LOCAL Thursday 2 March 2017
Dutch Celebrity Singer and Photographer, Meet Aruba’s Celebrity Chef
MALMOKWEG - Famous bition was born when they tablishments including the
Dutch singer-actor Marco decided to collaborate on Michelin starred Grand Ho-
Borsato arrived in Aruba just a trip to Aruba. The plan tel Karel V, in Utrecht Hol-
recently, accompanied by was for Rutting to conduct land. At his contemporary
equally famous photogra- a photography master eatery at Gold Coast Resi-
pher-Journalist Raymond class, with Borsato as the dence, he promotes the
Rutting, to capture Aruba’s student/apprentice, cap- harmony between food
iconic places and person- turing special moments in and wine, balancing qual-
alities, including images of the life of the island. ity and flavor, in their purest
the Island’s Carnival, its pris- On Saturday, the talented form, supported by his wife
tine beaches, and its peo- duo visited Gold Coast Vil- Mary Ann who manages – Rutting snapshots from Coast Residence, and
ple, from simple fishermen las, specifically White Mod- the dining-room. their successful visit at Gold White Modern Cuisine. q
folk, to cultural stars. ern Cuisine Restaurant, and Pictured here, the Borsato
Borsato who was raised in its owner-proprietor Chef
Italy, is consistently one of Urvin Croes; they cooked
the most successful record- together, plated the food
ing artists in the Nether- beautifully, then Borsato
lands, yet his active interest and Rutting photographed
in gastronomy earned him the masterpieces. The trio
a respectable reputation also ventured out to cap-
among chefs and foodies. ture the beautiful club-
Rutting, a world-renowned house and its striking sur-
photo-journalist, with an rounding saline.
interest in Nature, Art & Chef Urvin, Aruba’s very
Culture, Travel and the En- own celebrity chef, first
vironment, already visited introduced White Mod-
Aruba last year shooting ern Cuisine, in 2012. The
a series of portraits titled creative and innovative
Faces of Aruba. The eclec- Aruban-born Chef was
tic collection of pictures trained in the Netherlands
was exhibited in the Neth- and in Italy, and enjoyed
erland’s as part of the his- a solid career since finish-
torical celebration of the ing culinary school. He won
island’s 30th anniversary of a number of gastronomic
‘’Status Aparte’’. awards, including Aruba’s
The idea to pair the two art- Iron Chef Competition, in
ists for another photo exhi- 2013, and worked in fine es-