Page 5 - DESPA DEC 22
P. 5
CLASSIFIED Thursday 22 december 2016
Snickers producer Mars criticizes Time Share Resale dOCTOR ON dUTY
Divi Links Golf
industry-funded papers on sugar 1 br Week 52 room #2105 Dr. Pieterse M
ground floor right at the pool
Tel. 583 3330
CANDICE CHOI Emails obtained by The As- $9500 San Nicolas
AP Food Industry Writer sociated Press show two 27 weeks remain on the contract TIME SHARE FOR SALE Dr. Boderie
NEW YORK (AP) — Mars Mars executives were cop- Dutch Village wk 50, 12/10 1br Unit 2304 Tel. 584 5155
Inc., the maker of Skittles ied on discussions about 1 br week 52 room #117 La Quinta $1300 B.O., also EMERGENCIA 911
and M&M’s, is breaking the research project last 21 weeks remain on the contract La Cabana bluegreen member
ranks with other food com- year. (old contract) $7500 ship or use at 50 other loca-
panies and denouncing an But Berninger said Mars was (297)630-1307 tions, 1000 extra points with
industry-funded paper that not a driving force for the membership $1,200 B.O.
says global recommenda- paper and would make __________________________ Local 565 9394 until 12/3 POLICE 100
tions on limiting sugar are clear to ILSI from now on Time Share Resale 508 651 0016 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
based on weak evidence. that it does not support Divi Village 206405 NOORD 527-3200
The paper drew criticism such work. 1 br week 50 building c room __________________________ SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
this week because it was The situation highlights the #3202 TIMESHARE FOR SALE POLICE TIPLINE 11141
paid for by a group whose potential for conflicts of in- 18 weeks remain on the contract RENAISSANCE FIRE DEPT. 115
members include Coca- terest in nutrition science. $5500 week room price FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
Cola, Hershey, Red Bull and Critics say the nature of nu- Divi Links Golf wk 13 &14 337 $11,500 HOSPITAL 527-4000
Oreo cookie maker Mon- trition research leaves the studio week 50 room #2553 wk 35 314 $4,000 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
wk 29 332
delez. door open for companies 27 weeks remain on the contract wk 27 103 $3,500 AMBULANCE 582-1234
Mars — which is also a to cherry-pick projects that $5000 wk 25 522 $4,500 Women in Difficulties
member of the group, the make their products seem call:(297) 630-1307 wk 22 338 $3,800 PHARMACY
International Life Sciences healthy, or cast doubt on wk 1+2 517 $19,000 Oranjestad:
Institute — said Wednesday science that suggests they __________________________ wk 44 332 $3,000 Del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
the paper undermines the fuel obesity. Time Share Resale wk 45 128 $3,000 San Nicolas
wk 47,48,49,50 203 $4,500each
work of public health of- Eric Hentges, ILSI’s execu- Aruba Divi Phoenix wk 49 344 $3,500 Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
ficials and makes all indus- tive director, said the group 1 br week 50 room #502 wk 51 315 $8,000
try-funded research look devised the concept for ocean view 36 weeks remain on wk 51 542 $8,000
bad. Company spokesman examining inconsistencies the contract with Contact Brian Cell: 593 0200 INFORMATION 118
Matthias Berninger said the in sugar guidelines around 10 can be accelerated $7500 PROF. TAXI 588-0035
study, published by the the world. The paper clear- La Cabana BRC __________________________ TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
Annals of Internal Medi- ly disclosed how it was 1 br week 51 room #208 c XMAS WEEK TIMESSHARE SERVICE AUA 583-3232
cine, creates more doubt funded, but said the au- pool/ocean view $8500 For Rent 1 br Paradise Beach A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
for consumers rather than thors “wrote the protocol call:(297)630-1307 Resort 12/24 to 12/31 $995 280-2828
helping them make better and conducted the study B.O. or Studio king bed queen cruIse shIP
sofa Divi Village. Ground FL E
choices. independently from ILSI.” q __________________________ bldg, AE unit 12/25 to 1/1/17,
FOR SALE Time Share Resale $895
Divi Village wk 52 Marriott Ocean and Surf Club Local 565 9394 until 12/3
spacious unit 1 bdr/2b Week Gold , Platinum,Platinum E-mail:
$11,000 Plusweek 51 and 52 / 508 651 0016
wk 1 studio for $5,000 206297 December 22
both units 1,2,3 bedroom __________________________ Norwegian Pearl
December 23
Call 297 741 9945 or Garden View , Ocean View , FOR SALE / FOR RENT Celebrity Equinox
Divi Village Studio 3405
e-mail: Ocean Front. Carnival Splendor
__________________________ call:(297)630-1307 weeks 52 Island Princess
Contact Rosario Bellaville Phone number Aruba 594-6421 Aruba Airport 524-2424
__________________________ Venezuela 058-414-5375141/ American Airlines 582-2700
Time Share Resale 426-5204636 / 414-3270412 Avianca 588-0059
Marriott Surf Club Sale USD 13.000,= Aruba Airlines 583-8300
X mas Gift, only 1 left !! email:rosario.bellaville@ Jet Blue 588-2244
2 bedroom, 2 bath Platinum Plus Surinam 582-7896
Week 51 and 52 Ocean Front Rent $2000 p/week 206255 Aruba Foundation
both weeks $150 K __________________________ For those Visually Incapasitated
call :(297)630-1307 TIME SHARE FOR SALE Tel. 582-5051 wk 50, 12/10 1br Unit 2304 AL-ANON group
__________________________ La Quinta $1300 B.O., also Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Time Share Resale La Cabana bluegreen member Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
Tropicana Resorts ship or use at 50 other loca-
tions, 1000 extra points with
3 bedroom week 51 and 52 room membership $1,200 B.O. FUNDACIONS
#2548 Local 565 9394 until 12/3 Tel. 582-4433
Ocean View $60K both weeks E-mail:
call:(297)6301307 508 651 0016 Centro Diabetic Arubano Tel. 524-8888
__________________________ __________________________ Narcotics Anonymous
Great Invest XMAS SPECIAL THIS WEEK Tel. 583-8989
opportunity=Aruba +Curacao only 1 left !! QUOTA Club
homes, Land,condo,+special Marriott Surf Club Platinum Tel. 525-2672
Time share resale weeks Plus 2 bedroom week 51+52
Palm beach, eagle beach +in ocean front US$150K Women in Difficulties
Call (297) 630 1307 or
land,We buy or List yours TOO, Foundation
and offer a Free appraisal, 206433 Tel. 583-5400
more info :(297) 630-1307 __________________________ Bloodbank Aruba Tel. 587-0002
31 years doing honest