Page 16 - ANTILL DGB
P. 16

16                                                                                  Antilliaans Dagblad Woensdag 24 juli 2019

  Roken was geen reden voor ontslag
  Van een onzer verslaggevers  gen en hem teruggehaald naar  De betrokkene begreep vol-  volgens de rechter te veel tijd  datum alsnog krijgen en Low-
  Haarlem - Het ontslag op  Nederland.            gens de verdediging wel dat hij  tussen het incident en de ont-  land moet zich inspannen om
  staande voet van een tech-  De technicus tekende be-  bij NuStar niet langer welkom  slagbrief, namelijk tien dagen.  hem weer bij NuStar tewerk te
  nicus die rookte op de ter-  zwaar aan tegen het ontslag en  was, maar niet dat hij door Low-  De man moet zijn loon vanaf die  stellen.
                          daagde Lowland voor de rechter.
                                                  land werd ontslagen. Voor de
  minal van NuStar op Sint  Hij beriep zich op zijn rookver-  kantonrechter was niet duidelijk  Advertentie
  Eustatius is onrechtmatig.  slaving en omdat hij die dag te-  om de man op staande voet te BonaireComfortRentals
                                                  dat er een dringende reden was
  Dat oordeelde de kanton-  gen zijn gewoonte in sigaretten
  rechtbank Noord-Holland  bij zich had, zou hij zonder erbij  ontslaan.   voor exclusieve woningen te huur en
  vorige week.            na te denken een sigaret hebben  Roken wordt in de arbeids-
                          opgestoken, omdat hij moe was  overeenkomst niet expliciet ge-  te huur gevraagd.
    Dat er door te roken explosie-  en gespannen was wegens  noemd als reden voor ontslag op
  gevaar bestond en dat daardoor  schulden.       staande voet. Bovendien zat er
  een natuurramp had kunnen
  ontstaan, wordt door de rechter                                     Advertentie
  erkend. Maar de technicus, die
  door de Nederlandse arbeidsbe-
  middelaar Lowland was uitge-
  zonden, was niet duidelijk ge-

  noeg gewaarschuwd.                                        Bonaire Petroleum CorporaƟon N.V.
    De werkgever beriep zich op                                  Oil transshipment/storage terminal.
  een briefing met de huisregels
  die de man voor zijn indiensttre-                          Requires the following professionals:

  Dat staat ter plekke ook met gro-  Task:  The Superintendent Emergency Preparedness and Response is responsible for the  overall emergency preparedness and  response of  the oil

  te borden aangegeven. De werk-  transshipment/storage terminal and the good working state of all fire equipment and systems, ensuring the availability, updaƟng and performance of the
  nemer heeft het roken erkend  company fire safety plan, the availability and good working state of firefighƟng equipment and training and leading of the emergency preparedness and

                              response department including volunteer fire brigade. Skills and Knowledge: A technical bachelor or university degree with at least 10 years’ experience as
  en zijn excuses gemaakt. Low-  an industrial firefighƟng supervisor or manager. Must also have the ability and cerƟficaƟon to cerƟfy and train industrial fire fighters to meet, industrial
  land heeft hem daarop ontsla-  regulaƟons and BES Laws and Standards on emergency preparedness and responds. In-depth knowledge of NFPA  11, 13, 15, 16 , 20 and 24 and PGS 15 and

                              29 standards/norms.

                              QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT AUDITOR
                              Task: The Quality and Environment Auditor conducts the full audit across the two main disciplines of quality and environment management system of the
    ‘Leguanen                 oil transshipment/storage terminal, providing help to managers and the company in understand the requirements of an Integrated Management System

                              and requirements to maintain cerƟficaƟons and licenses according to law, rules and regulaƟons.   Skills and Knowledge: A bachelor degree in business
                              administraƟon or relevant  field with at least 10 years’ experience as an quality auditor, cerƟficaƟon of quality  control (ISO 9000 /ISO 14001 ).  Sound

    van Rutte’                understanding of design and construcƟon applicaƟons as they pertain to environmental management within an oil shipment and storage terminal.

                              Task: The Superintendent is responsible for the full inventory and asset management of the oily terminal and the assisƟng with the yearly annual financial
                              reporƟng.  Takes lead on asset and inventory management from buildings, inventory, stock levels, safe storage, yard layout, stock rotaƟon, depreciaƟon of
        te zien               assets, including recording and management of these; Manages non fixed and fixed asset accounƟng, oversees the sale of fixed and non-fixed assets, and

                              administers the Company’s capital plan;  Measures and reports purchasing, warehousing and  asset  Key  Performance Indicators; Supports material

                              Inventories reporƟng & compliance requirements , such as on hand and projected Inventories , obsolescence , cycle counts,  RID Processing; Skills and
    Van onze correspondent    Knowledge:  Minimum Bachelor’s Degree (B.S.) in accounƟng or finance from four-year accredited college or equivalent  experience  in comparable
    Rotterdam - De leguanen   profession, 10 years of audit, accounƟng, and financial experience within an oil terminal, extensive inventory accounƟng background to put in controls and

    uit Sint Eustatius die de  processes to support the movement and accounƟng of inventory warehousing, experience in Materials and Inventory Control practices in MRP or Inventory

    Nederlandse premier Mark  Control IT systems, Knowledge of PGS standards and applicability of these standard.
    Rutte na een werkbezoek   FINANCIAL CONTROLLER

    meenam naar Nederland     Task: The Financial Controller exercise control on all financial, fiscal and purchasing aspects of the company. Cooperates in the formaƟon and realizaƟon of
    zijn nu voor het publiek te  the corporate and strategic goals from the financial approach, in such way that the best possible condiƟons are created for profitability and conƟnuity of

                              the organizaƟon. Designs, implements, and facilitates financial strategic plans and policies in such a way that a clear sƟpulaƟon of the budgets and an
    zien. Dat maakte Diergaar-  eīecƟve dedicaƟon of capital is achieved. Prepares the budgets and mulƟ annual esƟmaƟons. Keeps the administraƟve organizaƟon, bookkeeping pracƟces
    de Blijdorp bekend. De    and administraƟve process up-to-date in such a way that legal obligaƟons and company regulaƟons are met as far as financial reporƟng is concerned and

    inheemse Antilliaane legua-  important informaƟon for management of the company is readily available. Skills and Knowledge: A Master Degree or equivalent in the area Financial
    nen worden met uitsterven  Management and/or AccounƟng  with at least 10 years’ experience in the area of financial management; Experience in financial controlling; Experience in

    bedreigd door de oprukken-  leading a financial department; EīecƟve communicaƟon skills in English and Spanish; Preferable knowledge of Account View, QuickBooks and Payroll.

    Eustatius. Maar ook het   Task: The Engineering & Project Superintendent ensures that long term maintenance and new projects activities are planned, scheduled and executed
                              efficiently and in accordance with API norms and safety procedures. Draft maintenance technical projects  as it concerns to oil  terminal and leads the

    verdwijnen van natuurlijk  contractors bidding process in this  regards.  Provide supervision  and control to tanks, jetties, boilers, exchangers or piping.  This includes mechanical
    leefgebied zorgt ervoor dat  inspection (pressure vessels, piping) and civil inspection (coatings, refractory, insulation) to ensure the use and correct interpretation of applicable codes
    de populatie hard achteruit-  and technical standards. (ASME, API, DEP, Steaming, NFPA/NEN, NACE, AWS, etc.) and ISO 9001/14001 standards. To make sure that, only materials,
    gaat. Op het eiland worden  constructions and repair procedures, conforming to these codes are used. Skills and Knowledge: Minimum Bachelor Degree/University in industrial or
    verschillende acties onder-  mechanical engineer. Knowledge and cerƟficaƟon in ASME, API, DEP, Steaming, NFPA/NEN, NACE, AWS, etc.) and ISO 9001/14001 standards. 20 years of
    nomen om de dieren te     experience in maintenance on an oil terminal, or equivalent.  Speaks and writes fluent Business English and Spanish,   capable  to communicate in
    beschermen, onder andere  Papiamentu, working knowledge in Spanish or Dutch is desirable.
                              ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR
    door de groene leguaan te  Task: The Engineering Supervisor assists the superintendent engineering and inspection and ensures that long term maintenance and new projects activities
    bestrijden. Blijdorp heeft  are executed efficiently and in accordance with API norms and safety procedures. Provides supervision and control to tanks, jetties, boilers, exchangers or
    een fokprogramma voor de  piping. This includes mechanical inspection (pressure vessels, piping) and civil inspection (coatings, refractory, insulation) to ensure the use and correct
    Antilliaanse leguaan aange-  interpretation of applicable codes and technical standards. (ASME, API, DEP, Steaming, NFPA/NEN, NACE, AWS, etc.) and ISO 9001/14001 standards. To
    boden. De Rotterdamse     make sure that, only materials, constructions and repair procedures, conforming to these codes are used. Skills and Knowledge:  Minimum Bachelor
    dierentuin had al een exem-  Degree/University in industrial or mechanical engineer. Knowledge and cerƟficaƟon in ASME, API, DEP, Steaming, NFPA/NEN, NACE, AWS, etc.) and ISO
    plaar. Toen Rutte vorig jaar  9001/14001 standards. 10 years of experience in maintenance on an oil terminal, or equivalent. Speaks and writes fluent Business English and Spanish,
                              capable to communicate in Papiamentu, working knowledge in Spanish or Dutch is desirable.
    op bezoek was, maakte de
    natuurstichting Stenapa   PROFILE ALL CANDIDATES
    van de gelegenheid gebruik     x   The ability to speaks and write business English, the ability to understand and speak Spanish
    om enkele leguanen van         x   Must have iniƟaƟve and be self-reliance, analyƟcal, should have problem solving skills and must be a team worker.
                                      Accurate , proacƟve, high ability to deal with stress
    Sint Eustatius met de pre-     x   Ability and possibility to work over hours, no 7:30 AM to 16PM mentality
    mier mee naar Nederland        x   Commitment to conƟnuous quality improvement and compliance
    te sturen in het regerings-
    vliegtuig. Deze dieren zijn       If you meet the requirements and profile please send your Cover LeƩer including CV and copies of Degrees and CerƟficates to
    nu voor het publiek te zien                           aƩn. Mrs. Watson-Alee, no later than July 31st, 2019.
    in het Natuurbehoudscen-                      Criminal history, drugs, alcohol check and assessment will be conducted on applicants.
    trum van Blijdorp.
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