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Thursday 8 augusT 2019
House Judiciary sues to force McGahn to testify
By MARY CLARE JALONICK back down. It’s unclear
Associated Press if McGahn’s testimony,
WASHINGTON (AP) — The should Democrats suc-
House Judiciary Commit- ceed in court, would in-
tee took another step to- clude any new revelations
ward possible impeach- beyond what Mueller has
ment proceedings, filing already released. Mueller
a lawsuit in federal court concluded that he could
on Wednesday aimed at not exonerate Trump on
forcing former White House obstruction of justice, but
counsel Donald McGahn also that there was insuf-
to testify about his interac- ficient evidence to prove
tions with President Donald a criminal conspiracy be-
Trump. tween Trump’s campaign
McGahn was a star witness and Russia.
in special counsel Robert An aide for the Judiciary
Mueller’s investigation who panel said the committee
— under Trump’s orders — believes there is more to
has refused to testify be- McGahn’s story. The aide,
fore the panel. The Demo- who discussed the think-
cratic lawsuit challenges ing of committee officials
the White House rationale on condition of anonymity,
that McGahn and other did not elaborate.
witnesses have “absolute The committee has strug-
immunity” from appearing In this Sept. 27, 2018, file photo, then-White House counsel Don McGahn listens as Supreme gled in its efforts to high-
and can defy subpoenas. court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in light Mueller’s report, as
The legal action comes at Washington. McGahn and other officials
a time when more than Associated Press have defied subpoenas
half of House Democrats “legislate, investigate, liti- his testimony in person. It absent a contrary decision and as a highly anticipated
have said they support be- gate,” but could delay any says the Judiciary panel is from the federal judiciary,” hearing with Mueller himself
ginning an impeachment final decisions on impeach- “now determining whether Burck said. failed to produce new rev-
inquiry. Pelosi has so far re- ment for several months. to recommend articles of McGahn was a vital wit- elations. Some Democrats
sisted that step, saying she The lawsuit says the com- impeachment” based on ness for Mueller, who de- — almost 120 so far — hope
wants to wait to see what mittee has reached a deal Mueller’s report, and Mc- tailed the president’s out- to speed up the pace of in-
happens in court. The Mc- with the White House to re- Gahn is “the most impor- rage over the investigation vestigations by starting an
Gahn lawsuit is a central view documents from Mc- tant witness, other than the and his efforts to curtail it in impeachment inquiry.
part of Pelosi’s strategy of Gahn, but it is still seeking president, to the key events his April report. In a contrast to Pelosi,
that are the focus of the Ju- In interviews with Mueller’s House Judiciary Com-
diciary committee’s investi- team, McGahn described mittee Chairman Jerr-
gation.” being called at home by old Nadler insists that the
The complaint adds: “Every the president on the night committee is essentially
day that the Judiciary com- of June 17, 2017, and being already doing the work of
mittee is without McGahn’s directed to call the Justice impeachment, with or with-
testimony further delays its Department and say that out a formal House vote to
ability to pursue its inquiries Mueller had conflicts of begin an inquiry. Nadler
on issues of national impor- interest and should be re- has also made it clear that
tance before the current moved. McGahn declined he’d favor beginning of-
Congress ends.” the command, deciding ficial proceedings, saying
McGahn’s lawyer, William that he would resign rather last month that Trump “rich-
A. Burck, in a statement than carry it out, the report ly deserves” impeachment.
said “McGahn is a lawyer said. Nadler laid out an aggres-
and has an ethical obliga- Once that episode be- sive timeline this week, say-
tion to protect client con- came public in the news ing he hopes to be able to
fidences” and does not media, the report said the have resolution in court by
believe he witnessed any president demanded that the end of October.
violation of law. McGahn dispute the re- “If we decide to report ar-
“When faced with com- ports and asked him why ticles of impeachment we
peting demands from co- he had told Mueller about could get to that in the late
equal branches of govern- it and why he had taken fall, perhaps in the latter
ment, Don will follow his notes of their conversa- part of the year,” Nadler
former client’s instruction, tions. McGahn refused to said Monday on MSNBC.q