P. 4
SVGA Carnival
February 26, 2019
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Page 13
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Worker visas in doubt as immigration crackdown widens
By MATT SEDENSKY ered. But some immigration
NEW YORK (AP) — Immi- attorneys, as well as those
grants with specialized skills who hire such workers, say
are being denied work vi- they've seen unprecedent-
sas or seeing applications ed disruptions in the ap-
get caught up in lengthy proval process since Trump
bureaucratic tangles under took office in 2017.
federal changes that some “You see all these argu-
consider a contradiction to ments that we want the
President Donald Trump's best and the brightest
promise of a continued coming here,” said John
pathway to the U.S. for the Goslow, an immigration at-
most talented foreigners. torney in Ann Arbor, Michi-
Getting what's known as gan. “Yet we’re seeing a
an H-1B visa has never full-frontal assault on just all
been a sure thing — the aspects of immigration.”
number issued annually is For American businesses,
capped at 85,000 and ap- there is a bottom-line im-
plicants need to enter a pact. In this Monday, Feb. 4, 2019, photo, Leo Wang packs a suitcase at his home in San Jose, Calif.
lottery to even be consid- Continued on Page 4 Wang has found himself trapped in an obstacle course regarding H-1B work visas for foreigners.
Associated Press