P. 8

                     Saturday 20 July 2019

            Net Foreign Assets Dropped

            Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of May 2019

            Monetary developments               million) and in the net claims of the
            Compared  to  April  2019,  money  banking sector on the public sec-
            supply contracted by Afl. 60.2 mil-  tor (+Afl. 9.8 million). The upturn in
            lion  to  Afl.  4,402.8  million  in  May  the claims of the banking sector on
            2019,  resulting  from  a  drop  in  net  the  private  sector  was  attributed
            foreign  assets  (-Afl.  152.2  million)  to  increases  in  loans  to  enterpris-
            and  a  rise  in  net  domestic  assets  es  (+Afl.  74.2  million)  and  housing
            (+Afl. 92.0 million).               mortgages (+Afl. 6.6 million), which
                                                were slightly offset by a decrease
            The drop in the net foreign assets  in consumer credit (-Afl. 2.7 million).
            of the banking sector resulted from  The growth in the net claims of the
            net  sales  of  foreign  exchange  to  banking sector on the public sec-
            the public (-Afl. 324.9 million), most-  tor was caused by an increase of
            ly  related  to  payments  for  goods,  Afl. 85.1 million in the gross claims,
            other  investment  and  other  ser-  which was largely offset by a rise of
            vices. This was largely offset by net  Afl. 75.3 million in government de-
            purchases  of  foreign  exchange  posits.                               cent in April 2019.                 (-Afl.  1.6  million).  These  downturns
            from the public (+Afl. 172.7 million),                                                                      were largely offset by increases in
            mainly associated with foreign ex-  Inflation                           Government                          income from turnover tax (+Afl. 9.5
            change  revenue  from  tourism  ex-  The consumer price index (CPI) for  Total    government      revenue  million; introduction of the B.A.V.P
            ports.                              May 2019 noted a 4.8 percent in-    amounted  to  Afl.  161.7  million  in  as opposed to the same month in
                                                crease  year-over-year  (YOY).  The  May 2019, Afl. 31.4 million less than  2018),  and  land  tax  (+Afl.  5.2  mil-
            The upsurge in the domestic com-    main  contributors  to  this  rise  were  the  same  month  of  the  previous  lion).
            ponent  of  the  money  supply  was  the  components  “Food  and  Non-  year.  This  outcome  resulted  from
            due to increases in domestic credit  Alcoholic  Beverages”  and  “Com-  decreases in both nontax revenue  Tourism
            (+Afl.  88.0  million)  and  non-credit  munication”.  Furthermore,  by  ex-  (-Afl. 24.7 million) and tax revenue  Please note that figures on tourism
            related balance sheet items (+Afl.  cluding  the  effect  of  food  and  (-Afl.  6.8  million).  The  reduction  in  were not yet available at the time
            4.0 million). The growth in domestic  energy , the core CPI grew by 2.9  tax revenue was associated mainly  of publication of this bulletin.
            credit  was  caused  by  expansions  percent (YOY). The 12-month aver-  with declines in income from profit
            in  the  claims  of  the  banking  sec-  age inflation rate was 4.4 percent  tax  (-Afl.  14.1  million),  wage  tax    Centrale Bank van Aruba
            tor on the private sector (+Afl. 78.2  in May 2019, compared to 4.3 per-  (-Afl. 6.6 million) and import duties
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