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March 12, 2019 2019
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Pelosi: Impeaching Trump 'just not worth it'
By MARY CLARE JALONICK down that path, because
and LISA MASCARO it divides the country," she
House Speaker Nancy While she has made similar
Pelosi is setting a high bar comments before, Pelosi is
for impeachment of Presi- making clear to her caucus
dent Donald Trump, saying and to voters that Demo-
he is "just not worth it" even crats will not move forward
as some on her left flank quickly with trying to re-
clamor to start proceed- move Trump from office.
ings. And it's a departure from
Pelosi said in an interview her previous comments
with The Washington Post that Democrats are waiting
that "I'm not for impeach- on special counsel Robert
ment" of Trump. Mueller to lay out findings
"Unless there's something from his Russia investiga-
so compelling and over- tion before considering im-
whelming and bipartisan, peachment.
I don't think we should go Continued on Page 3