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                                                                                       March 12, 2019                2019
                                                                                       T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                           Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Pelosi: Impeaching Trump 'just not worth it'

            By MARY CLARE JALONICK  down  that  path,  because
            and LISA MASCARO             it  divides  the  country,"  she
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  said.
            House    Speaker    Nancy  While she has made similar
            Pelosi  is  setting  a  high  bar  comments before, Pelosi is
            for  impeachment  of  Presi-  making clear to her caucus
            dent Donald Trump, saying  and  to  voters  that  Demo-
            he is "just not worth it" even  crats will not move forward
            as  some  on  her  left  flank  quickly  with  trying  to  re-
            clamor  to  start  proceed-  move  Trump  from  office.
            ings.                        And  it's  a  departure  from
            Pelosi  said  in  an  interview  her  previous  comments
            with  The  Washington  Post  that Democrats are waiting
            that  "I'm  not  for  impeach-  on  special  counsel  Robert
            ment" of Trump.              Mueller  to  lay  out  findings
            "Unless  there's  something  from  his  Russia  investiga-
            so  compelling  and  over-   tion before considering im-
            whelming  and  bipartisan,  peachment.
            I  don't  think  we  should  go      Continued on Page 3
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