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A24     HEALTH
                   Wednesday 26 June 2019

                                                                                         Headache relief

                                                            factors such as caffeine withdrawal, eyestrain,  therapy  or  the  washing  of  the  large  intestines
                                                            poor posture, and hunger. Trauma headaches  is an easy detoxification procedure that elimi-
                                                            are headaches that result from an injury often  nates headaches from this source.
                                                            times, which is minor. Sensitivity headaches are  Acupuncture is a useful, inexpensive and effec-
                                                            a reaction to an allergy, food, chemical or envi-  tive form of treatment for people who suffer from
                                                            ronmental substance. Finally, sinus headaches,  chronic  or  migraine  headaches.  Studies  have
                                                            dental  headaches,  and  exertion  headaches  shown  acupuncture  to  work  better  than  con-
                                                            are self explanatory.                           ventional treatments alone and result in fewer
                                                            Pharmaceuticals,  which  have  dangerous  side  headaches and no negative side affects. Also,
                                                            affects, are by far the most widely used treat-  it  has  been  shown  repeatedly  that  acupunc-
                                                            ment for headaches in western medicine, but  ture decreased the severity and frequency of
                                                            allopathic Doctors do recognize the role played  headaches  in  those  who  experienced  severe
                  By: Dr. Carlos Viana                      with food in headaches. Western doctors rec-    headaches.  Acupuncture  treatment  involves
                                                            ognize  sugar,  MSG  (Monosodium  Glutamate,  the insertion of extremely fine needles into the
            The  French  words  for  headache;  mal  de  tête,  a  flavor  enhancer  used  in  many  foods),  and  skin at precise points in the body. It has been
            has always seemed to make the affliction sound  food allergies as primary prevention factors in  shown to help with migraine nausea and pain.
            much less ominous. Thankfully most headaches  treating headaches. However, this is not nearly  Many  of  the  sources  of  headache  pain  we
            are  not  serious  even  if  very  painful.  However,  considered to be as important a factor as it is in  have seen in our clinic include dental problems
            head pain, in every country, is the most com-   Traditional Chinese Medicine.                   and the toxic heavy metals that leak from den-
            mon human affliction and, even in this age of  Unfortunately, much more common treatment  tal  amalgams.  Headaches  and  migraines  are
            advances in medical technology there is still far  of  headaches  is  through  the  use  of  pharma-  an  often  reported  complaint  of  people  who
            more  that  we  do  not  know  about  headaches  ceuticals.  These  pharmaceuticals  are  man  have  amalgam  fillings  in  their  teeth.  Dentists
            then that which we do know.                     made  chemicals  constructed  with  the  inten-  knowledgeable in biocompatible dentistry are
                                                            tion of correcting a chemical imbalance. West-  very effective in improving the condition.
            In many eastern medical practices, especially  ern Medicine usually sees these imbalances as  Herbal tradition has used the herbs like dande-
            Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM)  head-    coming  from  the  liver,  the  endocrine  system,  lion  to  treat  head  pain.  Dandelion  combined
            aches have been treated with a higher success  and occasionally the nervous system. This treat-  with  herbs  that  also  detoxify  and  support  the
            rate then they have in the West. Furthermore,  ment also includes the regulation of hormones,  liver  are  an  even  better  combination.    Eating
            TCM has a much different approach to under-     mostly in women and is tied to the menstruation  foods right for your metabolic type and includ-
            standing headaches, health, and the person as  cycle. Many women find that they get head-       ing a de-stressing exercise and getting enough
            a whole.                                        aches the day before menstrual flow begins or  sleep are good lifestyle choices.
            Western,  allopathic  medicine  classifies  head-  the day that flow actually begins an effect of  Get The Point! The longer the headache or mi-
            aches by their specific symptoms and measur-    estrogen withdrawal.                            graine is left untreated the harder it is to stop.
            able  biological  effects.  Individuals  are  usually  Traditional Chinese medicine sees a headache  Most of the pharmaceutical medications used
            classified as having a certain type of headache  essentially  as  a  disharmony  within  the  person.  for  headaches  have  dangerous  side  effects
            and  treatment  is  based  of  this  classification.  Thus our treatment is to rebalance the dishar-  and  can  cause  rebound,  which  is  a  serious
            There are eleven main types of headache clas-   mony, which in turn will help not only the head-  worsening of your headache. You probably al-
            sifications in western medicine. The first four are  ache  but  make  the  individual  healthier  as  a  ready know that when you develop a migraine
            the most common and serious types of head-      whole.  In  our  clinic  we  take  on  an  approach  what may help is being calm; staying in a dark,
            aches and include head pain caused from vas-    that  identifies  the  source  of  the  head  pain.  quiet  room;  and  sleeping.  Rather  than  wait
            cular  (brain  arteries  changing  shape),  muscle  We  know  that  everything  in  existence  is  relat-  for your next headache or migraine, consider
            contraction (tightness), traction, and inflamma-  ed.  Slow  moving  colons  produce  purification  treatment  and  prevention  with  acupuncture,
            tion.                                           chemicals with an extremely unpleasant smell  herbal treatments, and a personalized diet that
            The other types of headaches include environ-   that stimulates mucus production in the sinuses,  have a five thousand year old tract record. Call
            mental  or  behavioral  headaches  caused  by  chest, and produce headaches. Colon hydro-       to make an appointment.q
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