Page 8 - DESPA 2 DEC 2016
P. 8

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Friday 2 december 2016
             Truck smashes into Iowa Wal-Mart; 3 dead                                                                                       Oranjestad

                                                                                                                                          Dr. Cayama Tel.
            PELLA, Iowa (AP) — A pick-                                                                                                    587 7100
            up truck smashed through                                                                                                        San Nicolas
            the front doors of an Iowa                                                             TIMESHARE FOR SALE                     Dr. Linden v/d
                                                                                                                                          Tel. 584 6427
            Wal-Mart  store  on  Thurs-                                                            RENAISSANCE
            day,  killing  three  people                                                           week    room   price            EMERGENCIA 911
            and  scattering  merchan-                                                              wk 13 &14 337  $11,500
            dise  on  the  floor  before  it                                                       wk 35  314     $4,000
                                                                                                   wk 29  332
            came to a stop at the fresh                                                            wk 27  103     $3,500
            produce  section  in  what                                                             wk 25  522     $4,500
            authorities  believe  was  a                                                           wk 22  338     $3,800        POLICE           100
            tragic accident.                                                                       wk 50  546     $6,000        ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            A  photograph  posted  by                                                              wk 1+2  517    $19,000       STA. CRUZ        527-2900
            the  Des  Moines  Register                                                             wk 44  332     $3,000        SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                                                   wk 45  128
            showed the pickup resting                                                              wk 47,48,49,50 203 $4,500each  POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            near a sign that said “Fresh                                                           wk 51  542     $8,000        FIRE DEPT.       115
            Produce,”  with  boxes  and   Law  enforcement  agencies  work  the  scene  of  a  deadly  ac-  Contact Brian Cell: 593 0200   FIRE DEPT.      582-1108
            other debris behind it.      cident  at  Wal-Mart  in  Pella,  Iowa,  on  Thursday,  Dec.  1,  2016.  HOSPITAL      527-4000
                                                                                                                                DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            Witnesses  said  the  truck   Authorities said multiple people were killed and others injured   __________________________   AMBULANCE      582-1234
            entered  through  the  front   when a pickup truck rammed through a front entrance of the   RENT A FRIEND           IMSAN            524-8833
            doors  in  the  grocery  por-  store.                                                  Rent  a  local  Friend  to  hang   Women in Difficulties
            tion of the store and came                 (Bryon Houlgrave /The Des Moines Register/AP )  out with, go to a movie or res-  PHARMACY
            to a rest after hitting a re-                                                          taurant  with,  or  to  a  party  or   Oranjestad:
            frigerated  produce  dis-    the driver and another per-  those killed or injured were   event.  Rent  a  friend  to  teach   Dakota Tel. 588 7364
            play.                        son,  Ludwig  said.  None  of  children.q                 you a new skill or hobby, or to   San Nicolas
            “At  this  time,  we  don’t                                                            show you around.             Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
                                                                                                   Services strictly for friendship
            have any reason to believe                                                             Call 592 6085
            it was intentional,” said Pa-                                                                                206291  INFORMATION   118
            trol  Sgt.  Nathan  Ludwig,                                                            __________________________   TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            who  was  at  the  scene  of                                                           FOR RENT DAILY OR            PROF. TAXI    588-0035
            the  crash.  Ludwig  said  of-                                                         WEEKLY BASIS                 TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
            ficials  are  investigating  all                                                       One bedroom sui with Resort   SERVICE AUA   583-3232
                                                                                                   style pool, situated in a gated
            possible scenarios.                                                                    community rate per night.    A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850

            The  crash  in  Pella,  Iowa,                                                          For info: Call  +297 594 1955
            just  before  10  a.m.  killed                                                         E-mail:                          crUiSe SHiP
            three people — all outside                                                   
            the vehicle — and injured                                                                                    206292
                                                                                                   FOR RENT DAILY OR
            FOR SALE-GREAT DEAL          FOR RENT                                                  Two  story  spacious  4  bead-       DECEMBER 2
            Renaissance suites           (Last Minute)                                             room  Villa  with  Resort  style      Star Breeze
            1bdr/1bath, Ocean View       Renaissance suites                                        Pool  &  Pool  Bar  in  a  private
            Unit Week 33                 1bdr/1 bath, Ocean Vieuw                                  gated  community  area  Rate
            US $3500.00                  US$600.00                                                 per night                    Aruba Airport   524-2424
            Call:737-3006                Call:737-3006                                             For info: Call  +297 594 1955  American Airlines 582-2700
                                       or email:                    Avianca       588-0059
                             Aruba Airlines  583-8300
                                  206409                       206409                                                           Jet Blue      588-2244
            __________________________   __________________________                                __________________________   Surinam       582-7896
                                                                                                                                Venezolana    583-7674
                                                                                                   TIME SHARE FOR SALE
                                                                                                   wk 50, 12/10 1br Unit 2304
                                                                                                   La Quinta $1300 B.O., also   Aruba Foundation
                                                                                                   La Cabana bluegreen member   For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-5051
                                                                      TIME SHARES                  ship  or  use  at  50  other  loca-
                                                                      FOR SALE                     tions,  1000  extra  points  with   AL-ANON group
                                                                      Divi Aruba Golf Beach        membership $1,200 B.O.       Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                      Studio unit 1AE ground floor   Local 565 9394 until 12/3  Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
                                                                      great location               E-mail:
                                                                      flooting wks. 51 to 17       508 651 0016                 FUNDACIONS
                                                                      $ 5200 BO                                                 Tel. 582-4433
                                                                      Also wk 50 studio unit 2314,  __________________________
                                                                      30 wks left on contract $4350  XMAS WEEK TIMESSHARE       Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                      E-mail:       For Rent 1 br Paradise Beach   Tel. 524-8888
                                                                      508 651 0016                 Resort  12/24  to  12/31  $995
                                                                                                   B.O. or Studio king bed queen   Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                   sofa Divi Village. Ground FL E    Tel. 583-8989
                                                                      TIMESSHARE                   bldg,  AE  unit  12/25  to  1/1/17,
                                                                      Divi Dutch Villas            $895                         QUOTA Club
                                                                      For  7  days  starting  12/10  pay                        Tel. 525-2672
                                                                      for 6 days $550, 7th  days free,   Local 565 9394 until 12/3
                                                                      also  1  br  Playa  Linda  ocean   508 651 0016           Women in Difficulties
                                                                      front, one day  start 12/3 $110                           Foundation
                                                                      Local 565 9394 until 12/3                           206297  Tel. 583-5400
                                                                      E-mail:        __________________________
                                                                      508 651 0016                                              Bloodbank Aruba
                                                                                                                                Tel. 587-0002
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