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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Thursday 20 december 2018

            Obama health law sign-ups beat forecast despite headwinds

            By    RICARDO     ALONSO-                                                              comprehensive  coverage  ment numbers rebut charg-
            ZALDIVAR                                                                               remained unaffordable for  es  of  "sabotage"  coming
             Associated Press                                                                      many  people  who  don't  from Democrats.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                               qualify  for  financial  help.  Trump   has   repeatedly
            Affordable  Care  Act  has                                                             Also,  Congress  repealed  called  the  health  law  a
            yet  again  beaten  predic-                                                            a  requirement  for  Ameri-  "disaster" and last year led
            tions of its downfall, as gov-                                                         cans  to  get  health  insur-  an unsuccessful drive to re-
            ernment  figures  released                                                             ance,  and  President  Don-  peal it.
            Wednesday  showed  unex-                                                               ald  Trump's  administration  Nonetheless,  CMS  Admin-
            pectedly  solid  sign-ups  for                                                         sharply scaled back adver-   istrator  Seema  Verma  said
            health coverage next year.                                                             tising and opened the way  that    the   administration
            The  Centers  for  Medicare                                                            for competition from lower-  has  taken  strong  steps  to
            and    Medicaid    Services                                                            cost  insurance  that  covers  run a smooth and efficient
            said nearly 8.5 million peo-                                                           less.                        sign-up  process  and  that
            ple had enrolled as of last                                                            Then  last  Friday,  a  Repub-  Wednesday's  numbers  are
            Saturday's  deadline,  with   Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., left, and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Ore., wait   lican-appointed   federal  "another  sign  that  the  ad-
            about  a  dozen  states,  in-  for Sen. Joe Manchin,  D-W.Va.,  before  a  news  conference  to   judge  in  Texas  declared  ministration's   efforts   are
            cluding California and New   press Congress to intervene on behalf of the Affordable Care   the  whole  law  unconstitu-  working." For example, Ver-
                                         Act, after a federal judge in Texas ruled it unconstitutional, on
            York,  still  left  to  report.  The   Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2018.   tional on the eve of the en-  ma  said
            preliminary  number  was                                              Associated Press  rollment  deadline.  Obam-  was down for less than an
            down  about  4  percent,                                                               acare supporters are plan-   hour  this  open  enrollment
            when  a  much  bigger  loss  year  for  former  President  stabilized  and  consumers  ning to appeal.              season.
            had been expected.           Barack  Obama's  health  had more coverage choic-         Experts said the new num-    After  the  Republican-led
            Different factors combined  care  law,  commonly  re-     es.                          bers show staying power for  Congress repealed Obam-
            to  make  for  an  unpredict-  ferred to as "Obamacare."  On the negative side, pre-   the health law, even with its  acare's unpopular fines for
            able  sign-up  season  this  On the plus side, premiums  miums  for  Obamacare's  continuing  political  prob-      people  who  go  without
                                                                                                   lems  and  premiums  that  health  insurance,  many
                                                                                                   remain  too  high  for  many  experts  predicted  it  would
                                                                                                   middle-class consumers.      lead  to  a  drop  in  enroll-
                                                                                                   "Despite  everything  that  ment. But Verma said that
                                                                                                   has  been  thrown  at  this  doesn't seem to have hap-
                                                                                                   market, politically, with pre-  pened.
                                                                                                   mium  increases  and  also  She  said  the  main  reason
                                                                                                   regulation  changes,  there  enrollment  has  continued
                                                                                                   is still a core group of Amer-  to  gradually  erode  year
                                                                                                   icans  who  want  this  insur-  over  year  is  because  pre-
                                                                                                   ance  and  buy  this  insur-  miums are still unaffordable
                                                                                                   ance every year," said Chris  for people who don't quali-
                                                                                                   Sloan of the consulting firm  fy for help.
                                                                                                   Avalere Health. "They are a  Nearly  11.8  million  people
                                                                                                   hardy group of people."      signed up during last year's
                                                                                                   But  the  number  of  new  open  enrollment  season,
                                                                                                   customers  —  the  key  to  counting  consumers  in  all
                                                                                                   growing  the  Obamacare  50  states.  It's  possible  that
                                                                                                   market  —  remained  down  number could be matched
                                                                                                   by about 15 percent when  again, after totals from re-
                                                                                                   compared to last year.       maining states are added.
                                                                                                   Wednesday's  figures  are  The  health  law  provides
                                                                                                   for  the  39  states  using  the  subsidized  private  insur-
                                                                                             website.  ance for people who don't
                                                                                                   Not included yet are totals  have  coverage  through
                                                                                                   from about a dozen states  their jobs. It also gives states
                                                                                                   running their own insurance  the option to expand their
                                                                                                   marketplaces.  Also  to  be  Medicaid    programs    to
                                                                                                   added in later are Health-   cover  more  low-income
                                                                                           customers  who  adults.  Since  it  passed  in
                                                                                                   signed  up  close  to  dead-  2010, about 20 million peo-
                                                                                                   line or who left phone num-  ple  have  gained  cover-
                                                                                                   bers for a callback.         age,  keeping  the  nation's
                                                                                                   In a twist, Trump administra-  uninsured  rate  under  10
                                                                                                   tion officials said the enroll-  percent.q
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