Page 41 - MIN ECEM 30 MARCH 2017
P. 41

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 30 March 2017

            Loyal Visitors Honored at the Marriott Surf Club

                                                                                                   the  friendly  people,  the  visit  to  Aruba.  Congratula-
                                                                                                   climate,  beaches,  restau-  tions!
                                                                                                   rants, relaxation and being  The  certificates  were  pre-
                                                                                                   on  Aruba  and  staying  at  sented  by  Mr.  Ricardo
                                                                                                   the Marriott Surf Club is like  Croes   representing   the
                                                                                                   being home for them!         Aruba Tourism Authority to-
                                                                                                   The  Marriott  Surf  Club  and  gether  with  Executive  Ad-
                                                                                                   ATA  would  also  like  to  ex-  ministrative Assistant to the
                                                                                                   tend their very best wishes  General Manager Ms. Jen-
                                                                                                   to Mr. Michael and Mrs. Su-  ny Boekhoudt and General
                                                                                                   san  Lanzillotto  as  they  are  Manager  Mr.  Joop  Bang-
                                                                                                   also  renewing  their  wed-  ma  from  the  Marriott  Surf
                                                                                                   ding  vows  on  this  special  Club.

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently  in the name of the Minister  and  Mrs.  Susan  Lanzillotto,
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  of Tourism as a token of ap-  all  celebrating  10  or  more
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  preciation  to  guests  who  consecutive annual visits to
            of honoring a group of very  visit Aruba for 10-to-19 con-  Aruba!
            special  guests  as  Distin-  secutive years.             The  honorees  are  regular
            guished Visitors at the Mar-  The  honorees  were  Mr.  guests  of  the  Marriott  Surf
            riott Surf Club. The symbolic  Donald  and  Mrs.  Louise  Club and they love Aruba
            honorary  title  is  presented  Westing  and  Mr.  Michael  very  much  because  of
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