Page 5 - REAL JOE CAPTAINS - Newspapers
P. 5

This is a $100 bill, it’s the value millions of working Americans receive in exchange for their services. Today Social

                  Security receives $12.40 for every one hundred dollars millions of working make up to the Social Security wage cap of
                  $132,800 in 2019. There are no Social Security taxes over the $132,800 wage cap.

                                                                                                                $12.40 per $100
                                      OUR WAY $4.16 PER $100                                          THEIR WAY - $12.40 PER $100

                    Under the REAL JOE American Family & Community Rebuilding Act – AFCRA the amount Social Security gets for every
                    $100 of earnings is lowered from $12.40 per $100 dollars of earnings initially to $4.16 per $100 of all incomes. It is the
                    central point of the AFCRA plan for re-Inventing Social Security for our Children & Grandchildren plan – AFCRA – It is the

                    People’s way.
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