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Company Information
Terms and Conditions
Innovative Laboratory Products, LLC.
Upon approval, terms of payment are net Innovative Laboratory Products (ILP) is a manufacturer and supplier of high quality
30 days. We accept payment by check,
credit card, or electronically through wire laboratory plastics. We have been supporting laboratories across the US and around
transfer. FOB Phoenix, AZ. Shipping charges the world since 2012.
will be added to the invoice. All prices are Our products are an excellent value. Our commitment to quality means we stand
subject to change without notice. behind every item we sell. When you place an order with us, you can do so with
Shipping Instructions confidence.
We ship via United Parcel Service (UPS), If you need a product you do not see listed, please call (623) 236-8804 or e-mail us
FedEx Ground, or a common carrier unless at Product information is also available at
otherwise requested.
Return of Materials Service with a smile
Call customer service (623) 239-8804 as We put our customers first. Most orders ship the same day. You may place an order
soon as possible. Unauthorized returns are by phone Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM Arizona time, faxed orders
not accepted. A 15% restocking charge is may be submitted at any time. Please specify catalog number, product description,
applied to returns on correctly filled orders quantity, and price.
of non-defective product. Return transpor- If you require regular delivery of specific products we can offer you standing order
tation must be prepaid. service. Standing orders conserve storage space in your lab and ensure that you have
Claims for Damage in Transit high use items on hand. To find out more about standing orders, please contact our
Call customer service (623) 239-8804 as Customer Service Department at (623) 236-8804.
soon as the damage is discovered. Keep all
of the original packaging material until the
damage claim is resolved. Technical Support
Liability For assistance with the application or use of our products, please ask for technical
Our products are intended for research use support at (623) 236-8804 or e-mail us at Technical support
only. Data on products in this catalog is cor- is available Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM Arizona Time.
rect and reliable to the best of our knowl-
edge and belief. Under no circumstances
will Innovative Laboratory Products (ILP)
be liable for consequential damages aris-
ing from the use of its products. Innovative
Laboratory Products (ILP) is liable exclusive-
ly and restrictively to replacing defective
Innovative Laboratory Products (ILP) war- Quality
rants its products to be free of defects in
material and workmanship. Please call us
at (623) 236-8804 if you encounter any ILP is committed to providing the highest quality microplates, reservoirs, PCR plates
problems with our products. and seals, that give reproducible results. Products are manufactured utilizing clean
To Place Your Order: techniques and state of the art manufacturing processes. Each lot of product is held
Phone: (623) 236-8804 to the strictest quality standards and tested for RNase, DNase, extractables, and en-
(623) 236 8792 dotoxin (Pyrogen) contamination. We maintain a validated sterilization program that
Fax: (623) 215-8978 complies with ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137 and certifies sterile products to have an SAL of
Email: 10-6. Endotoxin tests are conducted by Limulus Ameobacyte Lysate (LAL) gel clot
Mail: Innovative Laboratory Products, LLC assay according to USP/FDA guidelines for medical devices.
1721 W Rose Garden Lane, Suite 1
Phoenix, AZ 85027 We offer to our customers lot-specific Certificates of Compliance upon request.
ILP products are designed for use in research environments and are not suitable for
clinical, diagnostic, or medical use.