Page 32 - Head_and_Heart
P. 32
There are three main ways to communicate:
1) Head and heart communication allows you to ask for what you need, speak up for yourself, share ideas, say no in a respectful manner, disagree with others without blaming
anyone and helps people to understand you better.
2) Hurtful communication often fails to recognize the needs of others and either doesn’t allow others to speak up or shuts down other people’s opinions. Hurtful
communication is often very forceful and demanding.
3) Passive communication is when you put the needs of others above your own and try to please everyone else while ignoring your own needs or likes. Passive
communication is also used when trying to avoid conflict. So instead of sharing how you really feel, you just agree
with the other person or group.
It is really important that you learn how to communicate using head and heart skills. It will help you
feel more confident and others will be more open to hear what you have to say.