Page 175 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 175

            humanities Year 10

                            Session 5:                                              Session 6:                                                Session 7:                                             Session 8:

                      The Battle of Britain                                Constructing WWII plane                                   The Battle of Stalingrad                                     Pearl Harbour

          Learning intentions:                                Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                   Learning intentions:
          To examine the Battle of Britain and discuss how it   To be able to construct a WII fghter plane.                To understand the purpose of Stalingrad and why Hitler   To examine the Pearl harbour incident and how America
          halted the German Army.                                                                                          wanted it destroyed.                                   became involved in the war.

          Starter:                                            Starter:                                                     Starter:                                               Starter
          Review on what the students have learnt so far about   N/A                                                       Why do you think Hitler turned against the Soviet Union   Why Japan became involved in the war was and what did
          WWII.                                                                                                            and invaded Eastern Europe?                            they hope to achieve by bombing Pearl harbour?
                                                              Warm-up activity:
          Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):                        •  So what was your view on yesterday’s movie on the Battle of   Warm-up activity:                                  Warm up activity
          Questions:                                              Britain?                                                 •  Why did the USSR and Nazi Germany sign a treaty in   N/A
          •  So what have we learnt so far about Nazi Germany   •  What did you learn?                                         1939?
              and their army?                                 •  Is it what you expected it to be?                         •  How do you think Stalin felt after Hitler broke the   Main activity
          •  At this stage of the war, can anyone compete with   •  How do you think the British pilots felt when they heard the   treaty and invaded the USSR?                   •  Discuss Japan’s intentions to conquer Asia and join
              them?                                               word scramble?                                           •  Was Hitler right to invade the USSR?                   Nazi Germany in global conquest.
          •  Why are the Nazi’s so strong compared to the     •  What did Goring and Hitler hope to achieve by bombing                                                            •  Explain to the students why America adopted the “Iso-
              other countries.                                    Great Britain?                                           Main activity                                             lation policy” and refused to enter the war.
          •  What is the tactic called that is being effective by                                                          •  Discuss with the class about Operation Barbarossa   •  Explain to the students why Japan attacked Pearl
              the Germans?                                                                                                     and what was it?                                      harbour and what was America’s response.
                                                              Main activity                                                •  Reading activity on the invasion of the USSR.       Questions:
          Main activity                                       •  Students are to work in pairs and be able to construct a   •  Discuss why Hitler wanted to take over Stalingrad.  •  Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbour?
          •  Discuss the intention of Hitler and his opinion on   WWII fghter plane to coincide their knowledge on the Battle   •  Discuss why Stalin did not want to lose Stalingrad.   •  Did America expect to be attacked?
              Great Britain.                                      of Britain.                                              •  Explain to the class how the Battle of Stalingrad was   •  How did the Allied nations react when America joined
          •  Operation Sea Lion Reading activity, discuss key   •  Model planes can be purchased from Toy World.               the turning point of WWII.                            the war?
              issues and terms.                               •  This activity needs two lessons to complete.              •  Writing prompt: Students are required to write a 150-  •  Would the tide of the war change?
          •  Students are to write a 100-150 word response on                                                                  200 word response to the following prompt: ‘The Bat-
              the speech by Winston Churchill.                Resources:                                                       tle of Stalingrad was a psychological battle between   Documentary:
          •  We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may                                                                 Hitler and Stalin’. Discuss                        Students are to watch a documentary on Pearl Harbour
              be we shall fght on the beaches, we shall fght                                                                                                                      and express their point of view on the attack.
              on the landing grounds, we shall fght in the felds                                                           Resources:
              and in the streets, we shall fght in the hills; we                                                                                                                  Resources:
              shall never surrender.
          •  Class is to watch the movie “The Battle of Britain”
              and need to write their opinion on the flm



                            Table of Contents
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