Page 28 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 28
Unit: Biographies/Autobiographies
week 4
Session 13: Autobiographies Text Study Session 14: Autobiographies Text Study Session 15: Autobiographies Text Study Session 16:Autobiographies Text Study
(I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic) (I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic) (I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic) (I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic)
Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions:
To understand what it takes to become a professional To be able to write a letter to Zlatan Ibrahimovic. To examine the term loyalty and what it meant for Zlatan To be able to complete a book review on I am Zlatan
footballer. Ibrahimovic. Ibrahimovic.
Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary:
determination, ambition, success advice, ambition, achieve loyalty Opinion, review
Starter Starter Starter Starter
What does it take to become a professional footballer? What dreams and ambitions do you have in mind to seek advice What does the term loyalty mean? What did you think of the autobiography “I am Zlatan
• What sacrifces did Zlatan make to become a pro- from Zlatan Ibrahimovic? • Why do players need to show loyalty to their clubs? Ibrahimovic”?
fessional footballer by joining Malmo and Ajax? • Draw up a plan on what dreams and ambitions you have in • Did Zlatan believe in loyalty? • Is it what you expected?
• Did people believe in him? the future. • Did you gain any inspiration from his life and the chal-
• Did he believe in himself? • How do you plan to achieve this? Main activity lenges he faced?
Class discussion
Main activity Main activity • In Zlatan’s career, he moved to Malmo, Ajax, Juven- Main activity
• Watch Zlatan’s interview at Ajax and discuss if the • Students are to write a letter to Zlatan Ibrahimovic in draft tus, Inter, Barcelona, Milan and PSG. Do you believe • Teacher is to show a number of book reviews and
journalists believed he would end up in the Italian form. he is loyal? model one to the class.
League, which was his dream. • Once it is proof read and corrected students are to type up • Why did he constantly change clubs? Was he happy/ • Students are required to complete a 200-300 word their letters. unhappy? book review.
• Did Zlatan have a bad image? If so how did he deal • Zlatan’s fan mail address: 38, Blvd des Moulins 98000 Mo- • Have you ever felt loyal to someone or to your local • Students need to express their point of view on the
with it? naco Principaute de Monaco sporting club? book and what they liked and disliked.
• Have you ever experienced an incident that dam- • Please explain to the students that there is a chance he • Would you ever leave your club? Is it an easy decision • Ensure that they complete a rough draft and it is cor-
aged your image? Class discussion. might not reply back. But there is a chance he will reply or diffcult? rected before they type up their good copies.
• How do the media infuence a player’s image? back in 3 months. • Why fans are loyal to their clubs but players aren’t? • Provide a rubric to the students on the high expecta-
• Students are to research and explain in their own tions of what is required.
words some of the articles that were written on Writing prompt
Zlatan and his bad boy image. • Students are to write a response to Zlatan’s quote on
• “The fans might be loyal to their clubs. That’s nice.
But a footballer’s career is short, he has to look after
his own interest’s”. Do you agree?