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                        s the wizarding world is becoming more and more accepting re-
                        garding Muggle-borns, other issues are being raised. The LGBTQ
                        community has been struggling for decades, even centuries now
                        and today is the time to speak up about the situation.

              20  years  after  the  end  of  the  Second  Wizarding  War,  the  situation  for
              LGBTQ youth is pretty much still the same and society needs to act on it.
              But as we are fighting for equality in courts and in the Ministry, it is also
              important to take care of ourselves and of our members.

              Writing this book had a cathartic effect on all of us. It helped the most of
              us to finally speak about things we’ve had to repress for our whole lives.

              If you’re reading this, what we want you to know is that you  are  not
              alone and you can always reach us if you need to.

                            We are the Wild Youth.

                            Ernest Macmillan                              Edward Lupin

                              Dean Thomas                                   Marcus Flint

                              Adrian Pucey                                   Irma Pince

                             Luna Lovegood                                  Harry Potter

                                Katie Bell                                Theodore Nott

                              Oliver Wood                                   Parvati Patil

                         Justin Finch Fletchley                            Draco Malfoy

                             Pansy Parkinson                             Helena Ravenclaw
                            Seamus Finnegan                                Terrence Higgs

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