Page 20 - Toolkit
P. 20
Key Instigators
At the beginning of any Creative Placemaking effort there are always instigators, the people
who prompt dialogues. Who is invited to the discussion is the first defining decision. In equitable Creative Placemaking, we promote consideration of intersectional
and multi-sector perspectives. Authentic consideration can only be achieved if representation in planning is implemented. Gener- ally, that is a process that depends
on relationship-building and time. For practical reasons, most efforts begin with the instigators and,
in stages, there is a consensus, whether overt or covert, about who is represented.
Who you invite to the planning table determines the dimensionality and definitions of the work: what
is the place; who is the communi- ty; what the community “needs”; and, what project to undertake
to address the needs. Leader-
ship dictates what is considered
in planning, implementation and reporting. Inclusivity at this stage is crucial.
The tenor and success of a project reflects the inputs; who speaks, who is heard, who plans, who makes decisions. Seek input and representation from an intersection of multiple sectors. Begin with a broad inclusion for the meaning of place, community, assets, needs and process.
1. Instigation