Page 35 - Bullion World Issue 9 January 2022
P. 35
Bullion World | Issue 09 | January 2022
The first half of 2022 will be
the best time for gold price next
year, says TD Securities
The 2022 gold outlook looks promising, with the first half of next
year offering the best environment for the gold bulls, according to TD
Securities' commodities outlook."Positive gold story in play for [the] first
half of next year," wrote TD Securities commodity strategists.
The precious metal could be looking at a rally towards $1,900 an
ounce during the first six months of the year as markets focus on economic growth, inflation and political risks.
"Political risks associated with the pending U.S. mid-term elections, U.S. fiscal drag, fairly steadfast central banks gold purchases,
and a significantly slower pace of U.S. and global recovery are additional factors which may see investor rekindle their interest in
gold," said TD Securities global head of commodity markets strategy Bart Melek. "These factors should help lift gold into $1,900/
oz territory in the first half of 2022, as per our projections."
Seminar 2021
The LBMA/LPPM/IPMI Seminar took place
virtually, 1 December, after the reintroduction
of COVID-19 related travel and quarantine
requirements meant the in-person event could
no longer be held.
The insightful presentations were delivered
virtually to some 180 attendees. Edel Tully
(Head of Communications, LBMA) moderated
the sessions, which began with James Steel (Chief Precious Metals Analyst, HSBC) and his presentation ‘Gold: Historical Friends
and Foes.’ James, expanding on the adage ‘you’re judged by the company you keep,’ drew comparisons between various
historical figures who were either pro-gold (Churchill, Ronald Raegan, Margaret Thatcher) or anti-gold (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler) and
their political leanings – and surmised how gold is essentially a political and economic critique. “Gold cannot be managed in the
same way as fiscal policy,” explained Jim. “It is a barometer of public opinion on leaders and policies.”
SEBA Bank launches regulated gold
token to enable digital ownership of
physical gold
“Gold plays a major role in the capital markets. With a market cap of over $11
trillion, it offers investors a reliable hedge against inflation and a store of value
irrespective of economic turbulence,” says SEBA Bank CEO Guido Buehler.