Page 46 - Trail Winds Proposal E2
P. 46

Jason Meyer

                                          P r e f a b r i c a - o n   P r o j e c t   M a n a g e r

                                          C o m m e r c i a l   D e p a r t m e n t

          E x p e r i e n c e
                                        A b o u t

                                        Mr. Jason Meyer brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience to
            18 Years
                                        the team. As a Chief PeGy Officer in the United States Navy he is a nuclear
                                        trained     electrician. As well he is trained in the safe opera.on and mainte-
           E d u c a - o n              nance in nuclear propulsion and biomass fueled plants. With a M.S. in Oper-
                                        a.ons Management he understands the importance in preplanning, preplan-
     B.S. in Industrial Technologies    ning and prefabbing to  create a LEAN and project.
     from Southern Illinois Univer-
                                        R e s p o n s i b i l i - e s   &   A u t h o r i t y   L i m i t s
     M.S. in Opera.ons Manage-
                                        Oversees the prefabrica.on process of electrical components being
     ment from University of Ar-
                                        delivered to jobsites and installed accordingly. U.lizes LEAN methods to
                                        iden.fy and improve produc.on, while producing more cost-saving
     Navy Nuclear Training Pipeline     measures and product demands.

                                        R e c e n t   P r o j e c t s

                                        ·  AdventHealth 4th & 5th Fl

                                        ·  AdventHealth 8th & 9th FL
                                        ·  AdventHealth Fish Memorial

                                        ·  Dr. Phillips 5th Fl

                       430 West Drive

                  Altamonte Springs, FL


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