Page 15 - Exploration10LLR
P. 15

Legend of Queen Califia

                   An excerpt from Deep California by Craig Chalquist, PhD

                          Now I wish you to know about the strangest thing ever found anywhere in written texts or in human   Notes:
                          memory.... I tell you that on the right-hand side of the Indies there was an island called California,   ________________________
                          which was very close to the region of the Terrestrial Paradise. This island was inhabited by black
                          women, and there were no males among them at all, for their life style was similar to that of the   ________________________
                          Amazons. The island was made up of the wildest cliffs and the sharpest precipices found anywhere in
                          the world. These women had energetic bodies and courageous, ardent hearts, and they were very   ________________________
                          strong. —The Exploits of Esplandian
                   At the time of Governor Cortés’s failed voyages north of New Spain a popular knights-in-armor fantasy novel
                   circulated around Europe and then around the New World thanks to the printing press established in New
                   Spain at the end of the 1530s. In a fictional reworking of the Crusades, The Exploits of Esplandian (Las Sergas   ________________________
                   de Esplandian) by Garcia Rodriguez Ordoñez de Montalvo portrayed a pagan attack on Constantinople and
                   its defense by brave Christian knights. One of these, the hero Esplandian, teamed up with his father to face   ________________________
                   off against the Californian warrior women. Among the gold-armored inhabitants of the isle buzzed fabulous
                   griffins, condorlike Arabian birds who dropped conquistadors from high up and ate them. They also ate the   ________________________
                   Amazons’ male children. Cervantes apparently thought little of the book and its utopian fantasies; in Don
                   Quixote, the curate and the barber consigned it to a bonfire.                                       ________________________

                   Cortés usually gets the credit for applying the name of the fictional realm to what he thought a vast island to   ________________________
                   the north, but the name first appeared in Preciado’s version of the 1539 diary of Ulloa. It’s likely it was
                   bestowed in bitter irony over the contrast between the conquistador-killing coast and the legendary
                   Terrestrial Paradise everyone had been looking for since Marco Polo’s 1298 Book. It was said that exiled
                   Adam and Eve watered this Paradise with rivers of tears.

                          The Esplandian went on:

                          At the time when all of the pagans’ grandees left with those very large fleets, as the story has
                          already told you, there reigned on California Island a queen in the flower of her youth who was
                          bigger and more beautiful than the other women on the island, and she conceived a grand design to
                          achieve great deeds. Moreover, of all who ruled that seigniory before her, she had more bold energy
                          and more fire in her brave heart than any of the others. When she heard that most regions of the

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