Page 21 - Exploration10LLR
P. 21

Junipero Serra, the founder of the Missions, which were
                   the first settlements of civilized man in California, was   Expedition Diaries, September 4, 1769
                   born on the island of Majorca, part of the kingdom of   Oso Flaco to Price Canyon
                   Spain, on the 24th of November 1713. At the age of
                   sixteen, he became a Monk of the order of St. Francis,   Gaspar de Portolá
                                                                         The 4th, we proceeded for four hours, the greater part of the road
                   and the new name of Junipero was then substituted for   was good; the remainder, close to the seashore, was over great   Notes:
                   his baptismal name of Miguel José. After entering the   sand dunes. It was necessary to go around the many marshes and
                                                                         lagoons, which gave us much labor. We halted at a place having
                   convent, he went through a collegiate course of study,   much water and pasture, where there came to our camp the   Junipero Serra and
                   and before he had received the degree of Doctor, was   inhabitants of a village of about forty natives without counting
                                                                         others who were in the neighborhood. Here we found ourselves at
                   appointed lecturer upon philosophy. He became a       the foot of the Sierra de Santa Lucia. We observed that the villages   Marieta/Pedro share
                   noted preacher, and was frequently invited to visit the   have a small number of inhabitants and that these do not live in
                                                                         regular houses as do the Indians on the channel, but they are more
                   larger towns of his native island in that capacity.
                                                                         docile.                                           the same birth place
                   Junipero was thirty-six years of age when he          Miguel Costansó
                   determined to become a missionary in the New World.   In order to avoid the marshes of the plain and the estuaries that
                                                                         reach to the foot of the mountain range, we directed our course to
                   In 1749, he crossed the ocean in company with a       the west over the sand-dunes; these we crossed at the narrowest
                   number of Franciscan Monks, among them several who    point half a league only discovered by the scouts. We then
                                                                         descended to the beach, and proceeded along it for about a league
                   afterward came with him to California. He remained but   to the north-northwest. Turning to the east, we again went inland,
                   a short time in the City of Mexico, and was soon sent a   crossing the sand dunes at another narrow place of half a league.
                                                                         We afterwards reached firm ground on a tongue of land between
                   missionary to the Indians in the Sierra Madre, in the   two bodies of water. To the right, there was a pond of fresh water,
                   district now known as the State of San Luis Potosi. He   which the sand-dunes dammed up, and kept from emptying into
                                                                         the sea. To the left, an estuary extended into the plain; we rounded
                   spent nine years there, and then returned to the City of
                                                                         it, travelling towards the north-northeast. We afterwards took a
                   Mexico where he stayed for seven years, in the Convent   course to the north and entered the range through a pass, or
                                                                         canyon, covered with live-oaks, alders, willows, and other trees. In
                   of San Fernando.
                                                                         the same canyon we pitched our camp on the bank of a stream
                                                                         covered with watercress. On this day's march we traveled four
                   In 1767, when he was fifty-four years of age, he was   leagues. On the whole road we came upon only one small and
                   appointed to the charge of the Missions to be         wretched Indian village. This part of the country is practically
                                                                         uninhabited. The Indians of this village, which was only a short
                   established in Upper California. He arrived at San Diego   distance from our quarters, came in the afternoon to visit us; they
                   in 1769, and, with the exception of one journey to    brought presents of seeds and some fish, and offered them to us.
                                                                         Their cacique had a large deformity, consisting of a tumor that
                   Mexico, he spent all the remainder of his life here. He   hung from his neck. The soldiers, when they saw it, gave him the
                   died at the Mission [San Carlos Borromeo] of Carmel,   nickname of Buchon, and this name likewise stuck to his village
                   near Monterey, on the 28th of August 1784, aged       and to the entire place.
                   seventy- one years.                                                                                       Figure 8:Gaspar de Portolá

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