Page 91 - LLR-Exploration II
P. 91

Jay Stream

                   Lorry Wagner, ARAB President, excerpt from, 2006

                   The Horseman
                   Jay and his wife Dorothy bred Arabian horses for many, many years at their Greengate Farm in San Luis
                   Obispo, California.  This farm continues under the stewardship of daughter Linda Stream and her daughter
                   Christy Hart.  Jay was a Past President of (IAHA), inspired the Arabian Horse Society and was the President
                   Emeritus of WAHO, having served as President for 31 years.
                   Jay's record of contributions to the Arabian horse breed would fill volumes.  A few of his most notable
                   accomplishments over the last 35+ years started back in 1969 when Jay became President of IAHA.  Upon
                   Jay's election, in typical Jay-Stream fashion, he took hold of the reins, put IAHA on the bit and IAHA raced
                   forward at full gallop to become a significant player in the world of the Arabian horses.   Jay organized the   Figure 62: Jay Stream
                   first of IAHA's Judges's Seminars.  He was instrumental in creating those wonderful IAHA Fairs that
                   showcased our Arabian horses to the equine world.

                   At about the same time, the concept of the World Arabian Horse
                   Organization (WAHO) was in infancy and Jay, as President of IAHA,   Jay got the job done!
                   was asked to attend those early organizing meetings in London,
                   England.  The result of his participation was that Jay was not only
                   elected as WAHO's President, but in his dedication to IAHA he insisted that IAHA be brought into WAHO as
                   a Registering Authority member with voting rights. In Jay's words "If you want me as your President, you
                   have to also take IAHA as a package deal."  WAHO did just that. IAHA remained the only Registering
                   Authority member of WAHO with all voting rights which registered only Half and Anglo Arabians until
                   IAHA was dissolved in 2002.

                   Jay served as President of WAHO from 1972 through 2003.  WAHO started with 7 countries and Jay
                   brought this organization forward to a present membership of 64 countries around the world.  There are
                   currently several additional countries applying for WAHO membership.

                   Back to Jay's IAHA Presidency, during this time he went on to organize the Arabian Horse Society (AHS)
                   which was a liaison organization between the Arabian Horse Club of America (AHCA, which later changed

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