Page 5 - Stargaze - Cover FRONT - RGB
P. 5


                                        Inspired  by the  stars and   bedded  into the glass,  suspended
                                 Milky  Way, Matt  Marga’  s Galassia   inside, drawing  parallels with  the
                                 collection brings together the beauty   stars suspended in the night  sky.
                                 and mystery of the night sky, rewrit-
                                 ten in glass and crystal. Marga trans-  Each  piece  hovers in  front  of  the
                                 lates  the  fascinating  yet  relatively   wall, adapting to its colour and play-
                                 unknown phenomena  of  the  Milky   ing with a new dimension below the
                                 Way with  clear  glass as the  dark   transparent glass surface. His per-
                                 night sky, crystals acting as shining   spective of the sky in the Italian Alps
                                 stars in  shimmering constellations.  may not be the same as the smog-
                                                                     gy and light  polluted  skies of  Lon-
                                 The 80 x 125 cm crystal and bronze   don at night. But he likes to remind
                                 glass  pieces give a condensed      us that the stars are glowing above
                                 snapshot of  the  infinity  suspended   us, wherever  in the world  we are,
                                 within  the piece; intimate  yet cos-  whether we  can  see them  or not.
                                 mic, merging  science  with  beauty
                                 and mystery.  The pieces are indi-  The Galassia  collection  captures a
                                 vidually  created by hand:  glass is   sense of awe and wonder surround-
                                 melted and shaped and crystals are   ing the night sky, and encapsulates
                                 sprinkled over the molten surface.   how precious and beautiful it can be.
                                 Once  dry,  the  crystals  appear  em-

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