Page 3 - AOBA-JIS_2020 Yearbook
P. 3

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                  In August of 2019, we were preparing for another typical year of

                   school intending to continue engaging our school community in
                   social and academic pursuits.  Although history suggests global
              change happens overnight, surely we have the science to prevent the

              world from closing done because of a virus. As it turns out, we don't,
              and this meant no-one in every society across the globe, not even the
                      rich and powerful,  are immune to the effects of COVID-19.

                By 2020, we changed from a physical campus to an online campus
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  for two or three weeks. If someone had asked us how confident we                                     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                 overnight. Given we had spent three years on developing Blended
                 Learning strategies, we felt confident in providing online learning

                 are in providing online learning for the next four to five months, I
                 suspect we would have been less sure about our capacity to do so.
                                                  But we did, and we did it well.

                This yearbook captures a unique time in the school's history. After
                 the first 6 months, normality turned into sigificant disruption. We

              effectively dealt with this period because of our open-mindedness to
                 learn, our flexibility to change, and our professional capability to
                        remain focussed on the task at hand. However, one critical
              ingredient in our success during this period was the partnership with

                 our family community. Behind the images in this yearbook is the
             powerful partnership our families maintained with us. For the benefit
                       of all the children under our care, I sincerely thank you all.

                                                                       -Ken Sell

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         Job 43492 Year 2020 Page 001 (985378749) Master (926923213) 09/04/2020 12:54 AM                   Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2020
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