P. 50


                      The language is a very complex topic to manage because it is always having changes and

                  modifications according to speaker´s necessities and also it may have different points of view

                  from the person who is learning the language and it could be difficult to understand some

                  situations in the correct way.

                      Grammar II, helped me especially with the understanding of the function that each word

                  has  according to  the context.  Also,  as  this syllabus  had a  deep focus on communicative

                  approach for grammar   to contribute to the Communicative   Competence which involves

                  knowing how to use the grammar and vocabulary of the language to achieve   communicative

                  goals,   and knowing   how to do this  in a socially   appropriate   way with this subject I

                  learnt to give   an explanation of the use, significance    and principles   of the grammatical

                  structures of English to apply correctly   in the communicative   context with a high level of


                      In  conclusion,  Grammar  II,  is  an  essential  subject  in  the  learning  process  because  it

                  provides a deeper study of the language to students. Also, Grammar is essential in the way

                  of learning the language in his pure origin because we know where words come from, their

                  meaning and their function.

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