Page 150 - Nicolaes Witsen & Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age
P. 150
Chapter Two
6. The curtains, thick 2 inches.
7. The pilasters in the windows, broad 3 inches, thick 11⁄2 inches.
8. The arches above them, thick 1 1⁄2 inches, the breadth comes against the deck above, nicely cut.
Above on the hack ebord, over w hich one can lean, either an elegant arch is made, or sculpted dolphins or lions, or something of the sort.
(84 I 46) 10. About the Quarter Consoles.
1. The quarter console, broad 9 1⁄2 inches, thick 8
2. The middle console, broad 8 1⁄2 inches, thick 7 1⁄2
3. The other four consol es broad 8 inches, thick 7
inches; the consoles broad 12 inches on the chest.
4. Below they stand on the architrave, the architrave
broad 21⁄2 inches, which goes straight on, thick 4⁄5 inch.
11. About the carved figures in the side.
1. The carved gure on the post, broad 9 inches, on
thechestbroad10inches, thick8inches,belowbroad 8 inches.
2. Leave a stump at the en d, broad above 8 inches, thick 7 inches.
12. About the top Cornices.
1. The top cornices between the gures, broad 5 1⁄2
inches,thick11⁄2 inches,thesecornicescomebelowthe uppermost cover.
2. The lower cornice, broad 6 inches, thick 1 1⁄2 inches.
3. The cornices on the side, broad 4 inches, thick 1 1⁄2 inches: at the end the cornices are broad 3 inches.
4. The cornice beneath the hack ebord, against the at of the stern, come even with the lower one, and are
broad 8 inches, thick 3 inches.
5. At the end broad 7 in ches, thick 3 inches, and has
a curve of 8 inches.
6. The Hack ebord has 8 1⁄2 inches cur vature, the
curve at the end 1 inch.
Figure 2.176.
Figure 2.177.
Plate XXXIX. Herm pieces.
Plate XXX. Molding.
(81 I 36) In the old days sometimes two galleries were made aft around the outside, for the cabin as well as for the gun room, xed with iron arches above, and open.
. ..
(267 II 48) The curve or the coun ter, hanging back-
ward, is decorated or undecorated, as is deemed t. Figure 2.178.
Plate XXXI. Decorative moldings.