Page 312 - Nicolaes Witsen & Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age
P. 312
Notes to Appendix
25. The best commentaries on the second edition are in S. P. l’Honoré Naber, “Een tweede uitgave van Nicolaes Witsen’s ‘Scheepsbouw en Bestier’ ontdekt!” Het Boek 2 (1914): 81–95; and W. Voorbeytel Cannenburg, “Witsen’s Scheepsbouw,” in Jaarverslag Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum 1954–1955 (Amsterdam, Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum, 1956), 28–34.
26. L’Honoré Naber, “Een tweede uitgave,” 81.
27. Peters, “Mercator Sapiens,” 119.
28. Marion Peters, “Nicolaes Witsen and Gijsbert Cuper: Two Seventeenth-
Century Dutch Burgomasters and Their Gordian Knot,” Lias 16, no. 1 (1989): 148 n. 70; and Peters, “Mercator Sapiens,” 118.
29. Peters, “Mercator Sapiens,” 119–20. Peters also remarks here that the 1705 edition of Noord en Oost Tartarije was probably stored elsewhere or pas- sed on to others, which would explain how it survived and, as mentioned, was finally published in 1785.
30. Cited in Eric Rieth, “Quelques remarques à propos du Dictionnaire de Marine (1702) de Nicolas Aubin,” Neptunia: Revue de l’association des Amis du Musée de la Marine, no. 190 (June 1993): 28.
31. Johann Hirich Röding, Allgemeines Wörterbuch der Marine in allen Eu- ropæischen Seesprachen nebst vollstændigen Erklærungen (Hamburg, 1793– 96), 1:58.
32. N. A. Smith et. al., Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene Col- lege, Cambridge, vol. 1, Printed Books (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1978), 193; R. Prud’homme van Reine, Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen 1735–1809: Admiraal en Filantroop (Amsterdam: Bataafsche Leeuw, 1990), 39; and Arne Losman, “Drei schwedische Büchersammler des 17. Jahrhunderts: Per Brahe d. J., Carl Gustaf Wrangel und Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie,” in Arte et Marte: Studien zur Adels- kultur des Barockzeitalters in Schweden, Dänemark und Schleswig-Holstein, ed. Dieter Lohmeier (Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz, 1978), 171–72.
33. Peters, “Mercator Sapiens,” 115–16.
34. Ernst Crone, Cornelis Douwes 1712–1773: Zijn leven en zijn werk. Met in- leidende hoofdstukken over navigatie en zeevaart-onderwijs in de 17de en 18de eeuw (Haarlem: Tjeenk Willink, 1941), 86–88.
35. C. Bordewijk, “Strolling Players along the North Sea Coasts,” in The North Sea and Culture (1550–1800): Proceedings of the International Confe- rence held at Leiden, 21–22 April 1995, ed. Juliette Roding and Lex Heerma van Voss (Hilversum: Verloren, 1996), 436–49.
36. This copy is now in the library of the University of Amsterdam (shelf
no. OF 93–5). It was formerly in the possession of the well-known American book collector Harrison D. Horblit (1912–88) of Ridgefield, Connecticut; see:
H. P. Kraus, Catalog 168. The History of Science, including Navigation: A First Selection of Books from the Library of Harrison D. Horblit (New York: H. P. Kraus, c. 1976) 108, no. 202; and H. P. Kraus, Catalog 178. Voyages, Travels, and Ancil- lary Sciences: Including Geography, Cartography, Navigation, etc. (New York:
H. P. Kraus, 1988), 93, n0.192. The book remained in the trade until it was even- tually sold to the university library in 1992 by the Amsterdam rare book dealer Nico Israel.
37. Wouter Nijhoff, “De Anglofobie van Nic. Witsen en de verschillende re- dactiën van zijn Scheepsbouw,” Het Boek 13 (1925): 88–96.
38. Witsen to Isaac Vossius in London, October 11 [1672] and November 6 [1672], Leiden University Library, Burman Manuscript Collection, F 11, vol. 2, Let-