Page 222 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 222

  FIGURE 8.55
Hubbell Dua-Pull Kellems grip.
Yale grip. Lace-up grips
(Courtesy Yale.)
8.8 Underwater cable design 211
  (Courtesy Hubbell.)
  One example is the Yale grip, designed to allow easy installation mid-span by braiding four syn- thetic legs around the cable body (Figure 8.56). Helical termination
A helical termination uses gripping wires in a manner similar to the soft woven Yale grip to bind the outside of a matching helix wire rope on a steel armored cable (Figures 8.57 and 8.58). Mechanical termination
A mechanical termination is an assembly using conical wedges to trap a splayed cable strength member inside a fitting (Figures 8.59 and 8.60).

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