Page 138 - RoadCem Manual - PCT BV
P. 138

    Soil Class
according to the USCS
(grain size, silt content, clay content, organic content)
(traffic load and intensity))
  Dose of CEMENT & RoadCem
   5.5 Laboratorium testing
Figure 5.30 Soil class.
 RoadCem is an additive to Cement and consists of about 20 different components some of which are present in very small quantities. In order to avoid the wrong test results when working with RoadCem it is therefore necessary to determine the minimum soil sample size for the required dose of RoadCem so that at least 100 grams of RoadCem are used in the preparation of the test samples.
RoadCem is a pro-active dry powder, grayish in color and causes a chemical/ physical reaction when added to a binder and water. In general, in the field, RoadCem achieves a 5-10% higher results in relation to laboratory testing. The reason for this is due to the mass effect of the pro active RoadCem powder.
The procedure to determine the minimum soil sample size for laboratory specimen preparation is as follows.
1. Determine the density of Soil (dry density) ( Density, Ds, kg/m3)
2. Determine the optimum moisture content of the soil (Prepare a proctor Curve, Determine
Optimum MC)
3. Use the formula below to determine the minimum required soil sample size (Ss, m3):
4. Calculate the dry weight of soil sample, Ws, needed for the preparation of the sample using the formula below:
, kg

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