Page 140 - RoadCem Manual - PCT BV
P. 140

• Poisson Ratio.
• Fatigue behaviour.
The results of these tests are than used as input into the design process. Determination of the optimum design involves:
• The determination of the required pavement thickness.
• Confirmation that the stresses, strains and displacement within the pavement structure meet
the desired criteria.
• Adjustments of the mix design, should the above requirements not be met.
This is an itterative process. It will take a number of itterations before an optimum design is obtained. An additional factor which is considered at this point in time is the cost of Cement and RoadCem. This too should be minimized if the client requirements are to be met. This procedure is outlined in the figure 5.32.
The design optimization procedure shown in Figure 5.34 calls for the use of BISAR pavement Design Software or similar design method. BISAR is a software design package developed for flexible pavement design by Shell and is widely used in practice. BISAR is not all that data intensive and this is why it is recommended. Other software packages are also available and can be used but will typically call for more laboratory and field data collection.
The use of BISAR is not subject of this manual but software package and its user manual are available on request from the supplier or through PCT in the Netherlands.
RoadCem based Design approach is in fact a balancing act between a number of factors as shown in figure 5.31.

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