Page 142 - RoadCem Manual - PCT BV
P. 142

5.6 Final Comments on the Mix and Pavement Structure Design 5.6.1 Cement and Binder Types
In presenting the mix and pavement structure design we assumed that the binder to be used is CEM I 42.5N and a modifying additive RoadCem manufactured by PowerCem Technologies in the Netherlands.
Table 5.7 Example of different Types of cement.
   K (%)
   Other main substances (%)
 Portland cement Portland fly-ash cement Furnace cement Furnace cement
K= Portland cement clinker
95 -100 65 – 79 35 – 64 20 – 34
21 – 35 V (Fly-ash)
36 – 65 S (furnace slag) 66 – 80 S (furnace slag)
                However different type of Cements are available on the market as are Cement improvement and replacement additives such as fly ash, blast furnace slag and silica fume. The RoadCem approach does not preclude the use of any Cement type available on the market. The design approach and process will not change with other cement types. In fact the RoadCem binds very good when there is a relative high amount of fly ash in the cement. It is known that 50:50 blend of CEM I 41.5N and fly- ash should give similar design solutions at a significantly reduced cost but this for the time being needs to be confirmed by laboratory replacement.
5.6.2 Waste materials and Industrial Residues
In many situations it is possible and economically advantageous to use waste and recycled material instead of the in situ soil. Experience has shown that with the use of RoadCem this material is highly viable and leads to acceptable designs. However, field and laboratory testing is required to come up with appropriate solutions and eliminate any possible negative environmental effects due to potential leaching of pollutants from the waste material such as waste sludge or industrial residues.

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