Page 17 - The Parish News May 2019
P. 17

   The Parish Hall committee wants to thank all the 100 club members; your support and generosity over the past 2018- 19 season is much appreciated. The money raised plays a vital part in paying for the routine maintenance of  the Hall and general utilities. It costs only £1 per month to join the
100 club, with half  of  the money donated to Hall funds and the remainder as PRIZES, drawn on the last Tuesday of  the month at the Drop In a t   t h e   D a g g e r s .   S u b s c r i p t i o n s   a r e   d u e   n o w   fo r   t h e   2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0   s e a s o n .   I f   y o u   a r e   n o t already a member please consider joining, thereby helping to maintain one of  our few remaining public venues. You may even be one of  the three lucky winners each month!
For more information contact: Helen O’Donoghue 830501/
   Fun and friendly circuit training. Monday’s 6.30pm (first Monday of the month 6pm) at Great cheverell pavilion. come and have some fun with a great bunch of people!
 £5 on the day.
New classes coming soon!
check Becks Smallman Fitness on Facebook and Instagram for updates. For more info please

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