Page 42 - Parish Magazine June 2018
P. 42

   edingTon & diSTricT gardening cluB
firST ThurSday in The monTh PariSh hall 7.30Pm Sandie Lewis,, Club Secretary, 01380 830 722
The Spring weather is proving to be wonderful after the horrors of  March, so we hope you are enjoying your gardens ......our village is looking good. The May meeting was our AGM and it was good to recap on the lovely trips and speakers of  the last 12 months whilst looking forward to the next year. We have a great programme planned so please do look at the Edington Village website and come along to join us for one of  our great speakers, or for a trip to another beautiful garden. The Plant and Produce show will be on 8th September at Edington Parish Hall. More about that next month......but in the meantime look at the programme on the website (copy in village post office) and think about joining in the fun. Lots of  help available if you want advice on how to show off  your flowers, fruit or vegetables to best effect......or enter your art, craft or photographs. It doesn’t matter where you live and we are
 the flower box after being
especially keen to get new entries from clubs.
sturck by a vehicle
Have a wonderful June and don’t forget the Edington Fair which is in the playing field on June 9th......there will be a plant stall. Our next speaker at Gardening Club is on 7th June at 7.30 pm, when Charlotte Popescu’s talk is entitled “In praise of  apples”. Come along to any meeting, or ring or email for more information. Sandie Lewis, Club Secretary, 01380 830722,
 40 THE NEWS JUNE 2018

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