Page 43 - Parish Magazine June 2018
P. 43
caTholic ne WS
Anne Tottingham Homeopath, Reiki Master/teacher, Tai Chi
She can be consulted in her home in edington or yours. i am also available for talks & classes. for more information and costs, Telephone 01380 831 055 or mobile: 07905748 359 or annetott@homeopath-reiki. co. uk
S T. John The BaP TiS T T roWBridge & ST BernadeTTe’S WeSTBury (incl VillageS).
Parish Priest father Tom finnegan Telephone 01225 752 152
www. stjohnthebaptist. co. uk
Weekly Timings: check newsletter for changes
St John the Baptist - trowbridge
Sunday Masses: Sat:(vigil) 6pm; Sun:10.30am & 6pm Holy Day of Obligation: See Newsletter
Weekday Masses: Mon: 9am;tue: 6pm;Wed: 12.00 noon Fri: 6pm; Sat: 9.00am
rosary: Weekdays before Mass. Confessions: Sat: 9.30-10.15am; 5.15-5.30pm and on request.
St Bernadette’s - Westbury
Sunday Mass: 9am
Holy Day of Obligation: vigil Mass 6pm
Weekday Mass:thursday 10am Confessions:thursday 9.15-9.30am and on request.
Yoga for All
at Shala Yoga Haven
a unique, safe, tranquil and peaceful yoga studio for AllHatha style yoga for all levels, with a therapeutic approach THERAPEUTIC BEGINNERS YOGA Tuesdays, 10-11.30am BEGINNERS YOGA
Thursdays, 6-7.15pm BEGINNERS/INTERMEDIATE Thursday, 7.30-9pm
Call or email:
Konnie: 07956 983 154
clifTon dioceSe Summer camPS
Bookings are now being taken for the camps which take place 13th – 17th August for ages 7-11years and 20th-24th August for ages 12-16years.the camps have moved to a new venue at the viney Hill Adventure Centre in the Forest of Dean. A week full of fun & friendship underpinned by a sharing and liv- ing of our Christian book visit www.livingy-
confirmaTion 2018
Bishop Declan will celebrate the Mass of Confirmation on Wednesday 27th June at 7pm.
Sharing our faiTh
the Group meets in the Parish Centre,trowbridge on Wednesdays from 8-9pm.this is open to anyone wishing to learn more about the Catholic Church. Sick and/or houSeBound
Any catholic who is sick or housebound should let Fr. tom Finnegan (01225 752152) know as he would be pleased to arrange a visit and bring Holy Communion, if desired.