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Beautiful design has many faces.
When we begin our design journey together as client and designer, you’ll be supported by more
than just our studio. Years of experience, innovation and imagination come together under our
watchful eyes to make sure you have access to a world class design experience.
Interiors Furniture, Art Decoration Curation
KJBD presents a curated team of experts in Your home should tell the story of who you are, and
contemporary luxury and design. With award winning, represent a collection of what you love.
Interior Designer Kimberley-jade Bawden at the helm,
your team encompasses hand picked specialists in all Sometimes you just require the finishing touches to
aspects of interior architecture. your existing home and sometimes you want the works.
Our approach to modern luxury is underpinned by an We do both and we love doing it. We pride ourselves
intrinsic understanding of livable elegance. The interiors on our extensive knowledge of furniture, art curation
we have created are a sensory experience for the and decoration. In fact, we go the extra mile on interior
occupants and a response to the individual lives of each finishings. Designed by KJ, we have our own homewares
of our clients. and objects brand Under our guidance,
Each member of your team possesses a deep respect the craftspeople at KIMINC can customize anything to
for craft and materiality. Our years of experience and complete your space.
technical knowledge guide us to design environments
matched to your needs. In addition to this, we’re lucky enough to have formed
lasting relationships with top end suppliers, giving you
access to 10-45% off RRP discounts.