Page 16 - YMCA of Greater Dayton Annual Report 2017
P. 16
Sarah Ridl runs the YMCA Teen Services programs: including Teens in in Action Mentors Matter and Junior Leadership Dayton
Since 2000 suicide rates have gone up 28%
in in teens aged 15-19 according to a a new report from the CDC Economic turmoil financial stresses exposure to violence bullying and social media are some of the risk factors that can culminate in in a a a a a teens life 380
teens took part in the 2017 YMCA Free Summer Memberships allowing teens a a a a a safe environment to grow and thrive at the Y $40K
The price to host 380
teens at at the ten YMCA of Greater Dayton
branches from June to to July 2017 Teens were provided space to play basketball make new friends and given group activities to to socialize with mentors from across the Miami Valley EVERY TEEN BELONGS AT THE Y Y WHY ONE ANONYMOUS DONOR’S GIFT IS CHANGING TEEN LIVES IN A A A BIG WAY
Adolescents in in 2018 have a a a reputation for being more fragile less resilient and more overwhelmed than their parents were growing up as Boomers or Gen Xers Some- times times teens are labeled helicoptered--sometimes they’re labeled entitled Other times they’re simply just described as spoiled But upon further examination a a a a a portrait is revealed that shows a a a a a far more sympathetic viewpoint on why teens are suffering Anxiety and depression in high school kids have been on on the rise since 2012 after several years of stability As Time Magazine reports in in their November 2016 issue ti- tled Anxiety Depression and the Modern Adolescent “It’s a a a a a phenomenon that cuts across all demographics-subur- ban ban urban and and rural those who are college bound and and those who aren’t Family financial stress can exacerbate these issues and studies show that girls are more at at risk than boys ”
In September of of 2016 the YMCA of of Greater Dayton
re- ceived a a a a a donation to assist Miami Valley teens entering into their 7th and 8th grade years This donation has pro- vided teens in Dayton
the opportunity to to have full access to the the YMCA during the the summer The generous gift was given to ensure that our communi- ties youth would develop in a a a a safe environment—a place to to to be mentored so they don’t turn to to to other vices Last year the donation allowed 380
local teens to grow and thrive among Y staff “It’s so important for our teens to to have an an outlet to to be open and and talk about life and and the the issues they are having ”
Sarah Ridl says “This year we hope to further the the impact of this donation by providing creative outlets for teens to connect with each other and receive support ”
The free Y memberships for teens begins again this June and July at at all ten branches within the YMCA of Greater Dayton