P. 40


                                                       Demographic            Psychographic           Behavioral            Geographic
                                                    - from 6 - 60 years old.  - Interests enjoy going out,   - Likes to learn different   - International appeal and
                                                   - Family               Socialising.          culture               Local
                  - Sarawak famous for its culture, its crafts  - Gender : 50% female and   - Not scared of high.  - love to do the same thing,   - From the county that have
                     and its cuisine.              50% male               - Open minded on      Loyalty.              climate    differences
                  - First event in sarawak where hot air                  Expreriencing and learning   - Apprreciate differences  - From Region that never
                     balloons were introduced.                            new things.           - Respectful to other region.
                  - The ticket sale will go to the organizers'            - middle to upper class                     organise the same event.
                     chosen charities.
                  - Admission to this event is free.
                  - The event in the middle of the town
                     of   Kuching is very strategi

                  - Do not have an identity like a logo or
                  - Lacking approaches.
                  - Don't have interesting sarawak related
                  - Lacking the Media Platform.

                  - Place sarawak on the map as the event grows
                     in stature and recognition for international
                  - Could make it bigger and a yearly event.
                  - Presenting Sarawak to the world for its
                     places of race, culture and beauty

                  - Unpredictable harmful virus, which could
                     cause a postponed event to take place.
                  - Other countries which could o er the same
                     event, too.                                 P                         E                       S                        T
                  - Unpredictable weather to  ying the   balloons.

                                                              - No traveler in Malaysia is   - Reliance on foreign balloon   - People who afraid of high   - Intense competition with the
                                                              permitted during the     pilot.                   usually skip this kind of event.  existing event.
                                                              corona virus.            - Conflict with other event   - some people always   - Some people rather watch it
                                                              - Expensive tax fees.    organiser.               imagining something bad   through tv or phone than
                                                              - High involment from    - Seasonal  cash flows.  before they even go there.  expriencing themself.
                                                              goverment.                                        - People are overprotective   - Need a usual promoting in
                                                              - highly protection of the                        to this type of event that   order to attrach attention
                                                              same events.                                      might cause a risk.      regularlly.
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