Page 6 - Scholarship Report 2020
P. 6

Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

                                                 Have you had any
        Kyunti James-Thorpe                  difficult challenges in your                 the shortage because of the
                                                                                          racial and health dispari-
        Brooklyn, NY                         medical/healthcare school                    ties that black people face.
        3rd-year M.D. student                journey? I think the most                    Young Black Americans

            What was your home life like     difficult challenge that I                   need us as role models.
        when you were a child? My home       continue to face during                      Black patients need us
        life was crowded. During the         my journey is staying                        for quality and cultural-
        majority of my childhood, I lived    focused on my goal while                     ly competent care. The
        with two cousins and an aunt in a 2   also being aware of the ra-                 nation needs us to bring
        bedroom Brooklyn apartment. My       cial and health disparities                  diversity and something
        dad was a blue-collar worker who     that black people face everyday in   different to the conversation.
        worked long hours and lived sepa-    the U.S. As a black woman, I desire
        rately from me. My mother worked     change in my field and in the world,    What do you hope to accom-
        for a telephone company and lived    but that desire can be challenging   plish in your career after gradua-
        in a different state than me.        in itself.                           tion/residency? Morehouse School
                                                                                  of Medicine is the best medical
            Was the institution’s mission        Has the financial burden of      school to not only make you a great
        important to you, when you were      medical school been particularly     physician but to also make you well
        choosing a medical school? More-     difficult for you? Yes. If it were not   rounded, culturally competent and
        house School of Medicine was         for graduate plus loans, I would not  patient centered. I hope to provide
        unique among the schools I applied   be able to afford medical school. I   the best healthcare to a diverse
        to. They believe in health equity, in-  still have undergraduate debt that   population. I hope to give back and
        creasing diversity in healthcare, and   is deferred until after graduation.   mentor to those who are aspiring to
        addressing the primary care doctor   Also, the fact that interest will be   be on this journey. I hope to vol-
        shortage. I felt like their mission   added to all of my loans making     unteer or work in areas where I am
        correlated with my own values and    them higher than what I borrowed,    needed most.
        goals.                               gives me anxiety.
                                                                                     If you could say or do one thing

            Can you tell me a story about        What is your take on the na-     to thank your scholarship donors
        something that has happened          tionwide shortage of Black doc-      what would it be? Thank you for
        during medical school that would     tors? I think racial disparities are   supporting me with this schol-
        illustrate what the MSM experience   the main reason of a black doctor    arship, which will help ease my
        is really like? During the first block   shortage in the U.S. There are only   medical school debt. You are truly
        of my first year, biochemistry was   four historically black medical      making a life-changing impact in
        difficult for me. But I remember     schools. In other medical schools,   my career and life.
        classmates posting helpful videos    black students make up a small per-
        and flow sheets to make the met-     centage. It is important to address
        abolic pathways easier to under-
        stand. The people who just finished                 Thank you for supporting me with
        their post-bacs had the advantage
        and made sure to share their re-           “        this scholarship, which will help ease
        sources and help others who were                    my medical school debt. You are truly
        struggling.                                         making a life-changing impact in my

                                                            career and life.
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