Page 8 - IMPACT Campaign Council - September 2020
P. 8

Garnesha Ezediaro
                                                                                      Program Lead
                                                                                      The Greenwood Initiative
                                                                                      Bloomberg Philanthropies

          In December 2018, Mike Bloomberg traveled to Tulsa,   Initiative with a $100-million commitment over the next
        Oklahoma to announce that the city had won Bloomberg   four years to the four historically Black medical schools,
        Philanthropies’ Public Art Challenge. The winning pro-  which will begin to increase the number of Black doctors
        posal honored the neighborhood of Greenwood – once     by reducing their debt burden.
        known as Black Wall Street, and the site of one of Ameri-  This funding will allow the four schools: Meharry Med-
        ca’s worst tragedies: The 1921 Tulsa Race massacre. While  ical College in Nashville, TN; Howard University College
        there, he was moved by the story of how a predominantly  of Medicine in Washington, D.C.; Morehouse School of
        Black neighborhood had become one of the country’s     Medicine in Atlanta, GA; and Charles R. Drew University
        most prosperous communities – and was appalled and     of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles, CA – to pro-
        angered to know that its destruction at the hands of a   vide scholarships of up to $100,000 to students currently
        racist mob had been whitewashed from history books.    enrolled and receiving financial aid. It is the largest-ever
          In the spring of 2020, during his campaign for presi-  individual philanthropic gift received by the four histori-
        dent of the United States, Mike announced an ambitious   cally Black medical schools.
        plan to accelerate the pace of wealth accumulation for   By helping to train the next generation of Black doc-
        Black individuals and families and address decades of   tors, this investment will save lives and begin to reduce
        underinvestment in Black communities. In remembrance  the inequities in our health system that the current eco-
        of the hundreds killed in Greenwood, and in recognition   nomic and public health crisis has underscored.
        of how racism writ large has prevented Black families    On average, Black people are more likely to die at every
        from building wealth, he called the plan The Greenwood   stage of life than white people – and that troubling trend
        Initiative and returned to Tulsa to lay out its proposals in   has continued during this pandemic, with Black people
        a speech.                                              suffering the highest death rates from COVID-19.
          We have since carried the plan’s objectives over to    Due to a number of factors, Black patients overall
        Bloomberg Philanthropies, where we’re supporting and   have better health outcomes when they are treated by
        working with partners and institutions that have a proven  Black doctors. Black doctors are also more likely to treat
        track record of increasing economic and social mobili-  minority patients and practice in medically underserved
        ty to fulfill its mission of reducing wealth disparities in   communities, which often lack access to quality care
        Black communities.                                     in comparison to predominantly white communities.
                Reducing the debt burden of Historically       However, while the population of the United States is 13
                     Black Medical School students             percent Black only 7 percent of medical school graduates
          On September 3,                                      are Black.
        2020, Bloomberg                                          By reducing the debt burden of historically Black medi-
        Philanthropies an-                                     cal school students, and creating more Black doctors, this
        nounced the launch                                     investment will help to save Black lives and reduce health
        of The Greenwood                                       problems that limit economic opportunity in Black com-
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