Page 73 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_3_Student_Book_Neat (1)
P. 73

*20             Work with a partner.Look at the                   *22            Write back to George. Includethe
          *               choices. Decide who will do what.                 *              information below.

                1 wash up /dry up                                                   Your plans for tonight and tomorrow
                2 have the fruit salad /have the cake                               Your plans for the summer
                3 make the cake/ decorate the cake                                  Your predictions about your life 10years from now

                4 chop the salad/make a sandwich                                    Offer to help George with his preparations
                5 write the story / draw the pictures
                6 holdthe ladder /climb the ladder

                (  I'll Wash up. j  I HutI hate drying op!                             Dear George

                                                                                       I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at summer
                              OK. I'lld  \ry up.                                       camp. I...

          *21 Complete the email with will or begoing to
                and a verb from the box.

                  attend be be do do have

                  not be pack phone send write

                   Hi there

                                                                                   |                                                        j
                   This will be a short email, I'm afraid. (I promise                 Self-evaluation Rate your progress,
                   I'll write       again soon!)

                   Ihope you're enjoying the holiday so far.                            1

                   I'm writing to say that Í l1 __           at homefor"               1

                   the next six weeks because I've made an important                   3
                   decision. 1  2 _             summer camp this year.                 4
                     _ very busy tonight and tomorrow.
                   1  3 4_
                   1                   a 'goodbye' meal with my family                 6
                   this evening, and tomorrow I s_                 my                  7
                   bags.Ialso need to do some shopping before Igo -                    8
                   toothpaste, a notebook,things like that. Help! I've got             9

                   so much to do!                                                     10
                    6_                                                                11
                   1                   you a postcard and
                   1  7 _              you in a few weeks, OK? Is your
                   number still 07444 ll7816?
                   What                     (you) this summer? Email me
                   with your plans!
                   George                                                             17

                   P.S.This is my summer homework task:'Where do you                  18
                   think you 9_                 10 years from now? What               19

                   do you think you  10_                every day?' So,               20
                   how about you, 10 years from now?Tell me.                          21

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