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                               one, two, three,  four, five, six,  How old ore you?
         Cetting Started       seven, eight, nine,  ten           l'm (eight).                   Review:
                                                                                                 Ao to Mm
         (pose 04-09)          open  your book, close your book,  (Open  your book)!
                               honds up, hqnds down

                                                                  How ore you?
                                                                  l'm (hoppy).
                               hoppy, sod, fine/OK, gr€ot,                                       Nn nut, nose
         l. Feelings                                              (Minh)'s  (thirsty).           Oo octopus,  oronge
         (poge I0-15)          scored, bored,  hungry,  thirstY
                                                                  Whot's  your nome?
                                                                  My nome's (Vinh).

                                                                  Whot shope  is it?              Pp pen, penguin
         2. Shapes              circle, squore,  rectongle, kion'gle                              Qq queen,  question
               r6-19)                                             It's o (triongle).
                                               REVIEW  UNITSJ  - 2       20-2tl
                                                                  How mony (circles)  ore there?
                                                                  (Twelve)  (circles).
                                eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourleen,                               Review:
         3. Numbers             fifteen, sixteen,  seventeen,     There ore (sixteen)  (triongles).  Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq
         lpoge22-27)            eighteen, nineteen,  twentY       Where  ore you from?
                                                                  l'm from Honoi)

         4. Animals             duck, goot, pig, cow              Whot's  thot?                   Rr robbit, robot
               28-3r                                               It's o                         Ss seo, sun

                                                REVIEW  UNITS  3 - {  (Poge  32-33)
                                                                   Let's ploy (soccer).
          5. Free Time          soccer, tog, hopscotch,  hide ond                                 Tt tiger,  top
            Activities          seek, ride my bike, reod books,    I (reod books).                Uu umb  rellq  uncle
          (poge 34-39)          listen to music, eot snocks        (Hoppy New  Yeor)
                                                                   (M"    Christmos)
          6. Around  Town       zoo, beoch, pork, ployground       I wont to go to the (zoo)      Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu

                                                REVIEW  UNITS 5 - 6 (pose 44-451
                                                                   ls this your  (T-shirt)?
                                                                   Yes, it is.
                                                                   ls this your  (dress)?
                                T-shirt,  dress, hot, shirt, ponts,                               Vv violin,  vest
          7. Clothes             shorts, shoes, socks              No, it isn't.                   Ww wotch, window
          (poge 46-51)                                             These ore my (ponts)

                                                                   Yes, pleose.
                                                                   No, thonk you.
                                                                   Con you see the (motorbike)?
          8. Transportation      bus, boot, plone, motorbike       Yes, I con.                     Xx fox, box
                                                                                                   Yy yo-yo,  yogurt
          (poge 52-55)                                             Con you see the (bus)?
                                                                   No, I con't.

                                                REVIEW  UNITS 7- 8 (pose  s6-57],

                                 eroser, ruler, croyon, pencil cose,  Pick up your  (eroser).      Zz zebro,  zoo
          9. Classroom           count  numbers, drow pictures,
             Activities          spell words,  sing songs, Mondoy,  I con (count numbers).         Review:
          bose  s8-63)           Tuesdoy, Wednesdoy                 I (sing songs)  on (WednesdoY)

          lO. Dags of the                                           Whot doy is it todoy?          Review:
              Week               Thursdoy, Fridoy,  Soturdoy,  SundoY  It's (Thursdoy).            Ao to Zz

                                                REVIEW  UNITS I '10  (pose  68-69)
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9