Page 1 - Interactive Brochure 216039399
P. 1


                                                             KWA DUKATHOLE COMPREHENSIVE
      The  school  is  one  of  the  largest  schools  in
      Katlehong, comprising of 72 teachers with over
      4000 learners. From my own perception is that
      the learners come from working class and lower-
      class  households,  despite  accommodating
      different  religions  with  no  discrimination,  the
      school follows Christianity, this is evident in the
      assembly which takes place every Monday and
      Wednesday.  The  school  maintains  some
      communication with its stakeholders mainly the
      SGB  and  parents,  however  I  noted  that  the
      communication with the parents is somewhat not
      strong  enough.  The  learning  environment  is
      somewhat  conducive,  I  say  this  because  the
      learners  are  not  particularly  challenged  and
      captivated  when  they  are  taught  and  the
      classroom  overcrowding  is  a  norm  here,  this
      negatively influences the lessons as sometimes
      learners do not get access to textbooks, printing
      materials,  etc.    however,  the  library  is  well
      resourced but is underutilized, this also applies to
      the  usage  of  smartboards  and  various  ICT
      devices   in   classrooms.   And    lastly   the
      management  of  the  school  is  particularly
      organized and has performance feedbacks once
      every  month  with  the  HOD  and  the  rest  of  the
      teaching staff
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