Page 3 - Interactive Brochure 216039399
P. 3
I feel the kind of an ideal teacher that is needed here , is one who has sufficient knowledge of the subject they
handle and most importantly have the courage to accept the fact that they do have knowledge of everything in
the universe and many a times are unaware of the answers related to the subject they teach. The teacher must
be polite and strict. They must able to instill interest in the subject they handle. Furthermore, the teacher
maintains a relationship with the parents, he actually wants to teach, knows their subject in depth, loves that
subject, can explain how that subject fits into life, can seize the teachable moments, has control over their
classroom, maintains discipline gently, can reach the learner no teacher likes, knows not to gossip about other
teachers, is involved in school improvement, remembers that all learners crave respect.
And lastly since technology is not fully utilized here, I also feel that the ideal teacher needed here embraces the
change 4IR will bring into the classroom specifically and into life in general. Children are taught adaptive
expertise and innovative approaches towards addressing constant change. Effective inclusion of AI and other
technology towards an evolution of learning is embraced in the classroom and beyond.