Page 18 - New to North Iowa Relocation Guide
P. 18
Mason City Area Chamber of makers; our loyal sponsors and supporting businesses are a
Commerce strong testament to their effectiveness.
The Mason City Area Chamber of Commerce is a membership-
based organization 650+ strong whose members provide ADVOCACY
more than 16,000 jobs in the region. The Chamber works for The Mason City Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)6
the success of its members and strives to promote and educate organization. The Chamber is non-partisan, but does take
to ensure the future growth of North Iowa. Its mission is to positions on issues at the local, state, and federal level to
promote progressive community and economic development stimulate economic growth opportunities for local business.
to benefit Chamber members and the North Iowa region. The Chamber challenges elected officials to be responsible
stewards of taxpayer money and to invest in programs and
policies that will enable North Iowa to grow.
The Chamber’s vision is grounded in our mission and we
challenge ourselves to paint a picture of the region we want North Iowa Regional
to be: a place with well-designed community programs and
economic development best practices that assist free enterprise Commerce Center
to create jobs and prosperity. Tomorrow’s headlines will be
the product of actions we’re taking today behind the scenes to Members of the Mason City Area Chamber of
keep North Iowa vibrant.
Commerce have the option to use the many amenities
of the North Iowa Regional Commerce Center.
The Mason City Area Chamber of Commerce provides • Use of meeting rooms is available to members free-
leadership on key issues and strategic policy recommendations of-charge, and the special events room, patio, and
to stimulate economic growth in North Iowa. Such growth is board room can be reserved for a small charge.
achieved by creating an environment conducive to business
success, which leads to job expansion and increased state and • Spacious, climate-controlled storage units are
local revenues. available for off-site records storage and other
In addition, the Chamber provides three signature programs
with a rich tradition of helping to shape future leaders: • Beautiful, well-appointed, “Virtual Offices” are
Leadership North Iowa, College Connections, and YIELD. rented by the hour, day, week, or month.
People who commit to our leadership programs are difference-