Page 4 - New to North Iowa Relocation Guide
P. 4

304 16th Street NW
                        Mason City, IA 50401

              Open from 5-10PM seven days a week
                Call ahead seating | 641-423-5075


              Voted “Iowa’s most iconic restaurant” by Thrillist,
                 an online travel, food & drink magazine.

                                                                           Explore a world of design
                                                                       options with our knowledgeable
                  This publication was created by the                    flooring experts. Whether you
                Mason City Area Chamber of Commerce                      need scratch-resistant, easy
                9 N Federal Ave | Mason City, IA 50401
                        Phone: 641-423-5724                             to clean floors for homes with
                  Email:                       pets and children, or super soft
                    Website:                         carpet made with the newest
                                                                        stain-resistant technology, we
       Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information
       in this publication. Please contact the Chamber with any additions or   will ensure that the flooring you
         corrections. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission   purchase will be the perfect fit
                      of the Chamber is prohibited.                      for your lifestyle and budget.

                                                                        The right flooring store makes
                  President & CEO | Robin Anderson
       Marketing & Leadership Development Director | Allyson Krull                 a difference!
       Membership Director & Community Concierge | Colleen Frein
                  Program Director | Kativa Eckholt
             Service & Opearations Director | Linda Johanns

                    Editorial Copy | Colleen Frein
                   Layout & Design | Allyson Krull
            Photos | Globe Gazette, Jean Poland Photography,
                 North Iowa Area Community College,
           Mercy Medical Center - North Iowa, Visit Mason City         3501 4th St. SW • Mason City, IA 50401
                                                                                   (641) 423-2909
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