Page 17 - UK ATM ANS Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
P. 17

ANNEX I - Definitions of terms used in Annexes II to XIII

                                          (48) (D) ‘final approach’ means that part of an instrument approach procedure which:
                                               (a) commences at the specified fix or point, or, where such a fix or point is not
                                                  specified, at either of the following places:
                                                   (i)  at the end of the last procedure turn, base turn or inbound turn of a racetrack
                                                      procedure, if specified;
                                                   (ii)  at the point of the interception of the last track specified in the approach
                                               (b) ends at a point in the vicinity of an aerodrome from which a landing can be made or
                                                  a missed approach procedure is initiated;
                                          (49) ‘flight documentation’ means documents, including charts or forms, containing
                                              meteorological information for a flight;
                                          (50) ‘flight information centre (FIC)’ means a unit established to provide flight information
                                              service and alerting service;
                                          (51) ‘flight information region (FIR)’ means an airspace of defined dimensions within which
                                              flight information service and alerting service are provided;
                                          (52) ‘flight level (FL)’ means a surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a
                                              specific pressure datum, 1013,2 hectopascals (hPa), and is separated from other such
                                              surfaces by specific pressure intervals;
                                          (53) ‘flight test’ means a flight for the development phase of a new design (aircraft, propulsion
                                              systems, parts and appliances), a flight to demonstrate compliance to certification basis
                                              or to type design for aircraft coming from the production line, a flight intended to
                                              experiment new design concepts, requiring unconventional manoeuvres or profiles for
                                              which it could be possible to exit the already approved envelope of the aircraft or a training
                                              flight to perform either of those flights;
                                          (54) ‘forecast’ means a statement of expected meteorological conditions for a specified time
                                              or period, and for a specified area or portion of airspace;
                                          (55) ‘forecast for take-off’ means a forecast for a specified period of time, prepared by an
                                              aerodrome meteorological office, which contains information on expected conditions over
                                              the runways complex in regard to surface wind direction and speed and any variations
                                              thereof, temperature, pressure (QNH) and any other element as agreed locally;
                                          (55) (A) ‘format’ means in relation to data, a structure of data items, records and files arranged
                                              to meet standards, specifications or data quality requirements;
                                          (56) ‘functional system’ means a combination of procedures, human resources and
                                              equipment, including hardware and software, organised to perform a function within the
                                              context of ATM/ANS and other ATM network functions;
                                          (57) ‘general aviation means any civil aircraft operation other than aerial work or commercial
                                              air transport;
                                          (57) (A) ‘geoid’ means the equipotential surface in the gravity field of the Earth which coincides
                                              with the undisturbed mean sea level (MSL) extended continuously through the continents;
                                          (57) (B) ‘geoid undulation’ means the distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative)
                                              the mathematical reference ellipsoid;
                                          (58) ‘grid point data in digital form’ means computer-processed meteorological data for a set of
                                              regularly spaced points on a chart, for transmission from a meteorological computer to
                                              another computer in a code form suitable for automated use;
                                          (59) ‘guidance material’ means non-binding material developed by the competent authority that
                                              helps to illustrate the meaning of a requirement or specification and is used to support the
                                              interpretation of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, its implementing rules and AMC;
                                          (60) ‘gridded global forecasts’ means forecasts of expected values of meteorological elements
                                              on a global grid with a defined vertical and horizontal resolution;
                                          (61) ‘hazard’ means any condition, event, or circumstance which could induce a harmful
                                          (62) ‘height’ means the vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point,
                                              measured from a specified datum;
                                          (62) (A) ‘heliport’ means an aerodrome or a defined area on a structure intended to be used
                                              wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of helicopters;
                                          (62) (B) ‘identification’ means the situation which exists when the position indication of a
                                              particular aircraft is seen on a situation display and positively identified;
                                          (62) (C) ‘integrity classification’ means, in relation to aeronautical data, a classification based
                                              upon the potential risk resulting from the use of corrupted data, defining routine, essential
                                              and critical data;
                                          (62) (D) ‘international NOTAM office (NOF)’ means an office designated by a State for the
                                              exchange of NOTAM internationally;
                                          (63) ‘level’ is a generic term relating to the vertical position of an aircraft in flight and meaning
                                              variously height, altitude or flight level;
                                          (64) ‘local routine report’ means a meteorological report issued at fixed time intervals, intended
                                              only for dissemination at the aerodrome of origin where the observations were made;
                                          (65) ‘local special report’ means a meteorological report issued in accordance with the criteria
                                              established for special observations, intended only for dissemination at the aerodrome of
                                              origin where the observations were made;
                                          (65) (A) ‘metadata’ means data about data;
                                          (66) ‘meteorological bulletin’ means a text comprising meteorological information preceded by
                                              an appropriate heading;
                                          (67) ‘meteorological information’ means meteorological report, analysis, forecast, and any
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