Page 3 - 2019 Farm and Ranch Guide REV new logo
P. 3
Wild owers Name
Blackeyed Susan
Blazing Star, Dense Bluebonnet
Clover, White
Cone ower, Grey-headed Cone ower, Upright Yellow Cone ower, Purple Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Plains
Forages and Cover Crops Unit Name Unit
PLS Millet, Dove Proso LB PLS Millet, German LB PLS Millet, Hybrid Pearl LB PLS Rye, Cereal Grain LB PLS Ryegrass, Annual LB PLS Ryegrass, Perennial LB PLS Sorghum LB PLS Sorghum Almum LB PLS Sorghum, “Sprint” LB PLS Sorghum, “Sweeter-than-Honey” LB
Daisy, Gloriosa
Daisy, Engelmann “Eldorado”
Indian Blanket PLS Indian Paintbrush PLS Mexican Hat PLS Milkweed PLS Pitcher Sage PLS Sun ower, False Oxeye PLS Wild Bergamot PLS
PLS means Pure Live Seed which is the percentage of purity multiplied by the percentage of germination plus dormant seed.
Sorghum, WGF LB
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