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P. 4

Forbs, Legumes And Shrubs
Name Unit
Alfalfa, “Ladak” PLS Alfalfa, “Ranger” PLS Blackeyed Susan PLS Bundle ower, “Beewild” PLS Bundle ower, Illinois “Reno” PLS Bundle ower, Illinois “Sabine” PLS Chickory PLS Chufa LB Clover, Alsike PLS Clover, Purple Prairie “Kaneb” PLS Clover, Rose “Overton” LB Clover, White Prairie PLS Clover, White PLS Clover, Yellow Blossom LB Cone ower, Purple PLS Croton, Wooly (Doveweed) PLS Daisy, Engelmann “Eldorado” PLS Kochia, Annual LB Lab Lab LB
Name Unit
Leadplant PLS Lespedeza, Kobe LB Lespedeza, Roundhead LB Lespedeza, Sericea LB Lespedeza, Korean LB Medic, Burr LB Pea, “Iron & Clay” LB Pea, “Austrian Winter” LB Pea, Partridge “Lark” PLS Pea, Partridge PLS Ragweed, Western PLS Saltbush, Four-Wing PLS Skunkbush, Sumac LB Squirreltail, Bottlebrush LB Sun ower, False Oxeye PLS Sun ower, Bush “Plateau” PLS Sun ower, Maximilian PLS Sun ower, Native LB Sun ower, Small Black LB
Value Added Services
Consult with our reclamation specialists for plant selection, weed control and vegetation management.
Over 400 species available. Call for unlisted items.
Improved named varieties from USDA Plant Material Centers adapted to your area.
Chaffy species are debearded for easier planting.
FREE freight on most orders over 200 PLS pounds.
24 hour shipping on most orders. FREE custom blending.
Local Ecotypes Available
800.262.9892 •

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